Tag Archives: #GigatownDunedin

SH1 Cycleways : the real story

Received from Hilary Calvert
Wed, 22 Feb 2017 12:40 p.m.


NZTA has produced a Q and A sheet for their project news update on our cycle lanes along the one-way streets.

An annotated version is provided for reality junkies:

Q: Why is there a need for separated cycleways on the one-way system?

NZTA: Cyclists and pedestrians are over represented in fatal and serious injury crashes. There have been 2 fatalities since 2011. Short-term safety measure were put into place in 2013. Separated cycle lanes are the long-term solution.

Reality: There have been no deaths since the cycle lanes were widened in 2013. The two deaths since 2011 were likely contributed to by the very act of creating cycle lanes in the blind spot of vehicles. Had these cyclists been on the road they would have been safer.

Q: Where else in the country are they using these?

NZTA: These lanes are becoming familiar in major cities including Christchurch. Busy urban routes such as the one-way streets in Dunedin need higher standards of cycle lanes.

Reality: No one in their right mind would direct cyclists to State Highway 1, where all the trucks go. If these two parallel roads were returned to two-way streets, you might put trucks on one and bikes on the other. But this is mad.

Q: Why put the cycleways on the right rather than the left?

NZTA: Because it increases cycle safety and separates them from bus stops.

Reality: Bingo! NZTA has finally realised delivering cyclists to the blind side of trucks is very dangerous. But it was NZTA who chose to do that last time. A simple sorry would be a start.

Q: why not on the right-hand side from Duke St to Otago Museum then?

NZTA: This has been done in response to feedback received and supported by further cycle surveys. And there is a large number of cyclists who use this route who would have to cross the road.

Reality: Really? So feedback overcomes safety? Surely this brings into question whether they really understand the safety issues with the left-hand side. WE all know that cyclists are no different from the rest of us, they will take their bikes on the shortest route they can find. Which will mean that they are spending most of their time not on the new cycle lane. Actually, most of their time will be spent walking around campus because the University won’t let cyclists inside – safety issues, apparently.

Q: What impact will this have on parking?

NZTA: Keeping the cycle lanes on the unsafe side of the road will mean we lose 20 fewer parks. Parking will be provided in high demand areas. (see revised plans).

Reality: We will lose hundreds of parks, particularly in the highest parking areas around the hospital (made worse by the DCC proposal to build on the car parking area at Frederick St). Parking is already squeezed in high demand areas. These guys are in la la land, and I don’t mean the award winning movie.

Q: Will these cycle lanes disrupt traffic flows?

NZTA: The lanes are likely to smooth traffic flows and provide more reliable travel times because there will be fewer parking movements.

Reality: Yes more reliably longer times, which are likely to double for anyone using the one-way streets. More phases for cyclists and pedestrians, more traffic trying to find parks, more time needed to get to hospital appointments. It wasn’t that broke. Why are those from out of town so determined to get in the way of traffic in Dunedin?

Q: How many cyclists are likely to use the cycle lanes?

NZTA: Current usage peaks at 500 per day, but this could easily double. We will measure the change.

Reality: Weasel words. Try looking north from Lower Stuart St along the one-way street. There will be several vehicles on the cycle lanes and likely not even 1 cyclist. The reality is that we are likely to have fewer than 1 cyclist per kilometre of cycleway in Dunedin at any one time. The maximum of 500 is not relevant to the usage in general. (And indeed 500 per day is 500 over 1440 minutes, about one every 3 minutes. At the absolute peak. For a moment in time. So it may double to 1 cyclist at the absolute maximum every 1.5 minutes.) And having measured it later, we are still stuck with the cycle lanes even if they don’t create double the usage. Meanwhile there is no proposed monitoring of the time wasted on getting to hospital appointments, or the time spent by students walking further from free car parking to lectures, or any other flow-on effects of decreased parking where it is currently available.

Q: When is work likely to start?

NZTA: May 2017, taking around 15 months and in such a way as to ensure the one-way system is able to operate effectively and any disruption is kept to a minimum.

Reality: These streets are groaning at the seams already. Our entire one-way system will become impossible to operate usefully, and it will take double the time. By this time those who came to Dunedin because the traffic wasn’t so bad will have the start of every working day diminished and their Dunedin experience effectively destroyed around the central city. We have an elderly population, and this will be the last three years of the lives of some of us.

Q: Who pays and what will it cost?

NZTA: NZTA will pay for the work directly related to the cycle lanes. $8million.

Reality: More weasel words. There are large costs not included in the direct costs. Agencies are keen on doing guestimates of the multiplier effect of benefits to the city for, say, acts at the stadium. What about a study of the likely costs to the city of loss of parking revenue, loss of time spent driving around, loss of time spent walking from vehicles, anxiety around hospital appointments, loss of business for those relying on easy car access for their custom etc. There are also costs for the work connecting roads and footpaths etc between the cycleways and the rest of our DCC infrastructure, and the inevitable landscaping in the vicinity. And then the costs of fixing what we had to redo because none of the agencies are working together. An expensive nightmare.

Q: What is being done to provide more integrated transport in Dunedin?

NZTA: NZTA, DCC and ORC are implementing transport related projects: this is one. These cycle lanes will connect with cycling lanes being considered in North Dunedin linking University, Hospital, Otago Polytechnic and the CBD.

Reality: These institutions are already handy to each other. As regards the University the biggest obstacle to cycling is the size of the campus which cannot be crossed by cyclists.


Pity NZTA doesn’t have a booth in the heart of Dunedin where they could come and sit and listen to the issues. Perhaps on the corner of Stuart St and the one-way streets?


NZTA Dunedin Urban Cycleways Programme
Cycling in Dunedin contributes to improving transport options, providing a more efficient and integrated transport network, improving health, economic and social outcomes and city liveability. The Urban Cycleways Fund, subject to council approval, will help to accelerate the City to Harbour Bridge and the Central City and North East Valley cycle network.

NZTA Urban Cycleways Programme [general information]

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

This post is offered in the public interest.


leisure-cyclist-on-beach-road-cycleway-auckland-nzta-govt-nz-1two-way-separated-cycleway-beach-road-auckland-nzta-govt-nzTwo-way separated cycleway on Beach Road, Auckland [nzta.govt.nz]


Filed under Business, Construction, Cycle network, DCC, Democracy, Design, District Plan, Dunedin, Economics, Education, Finance, Geography, Health, Hot air, Infrastructure, Name, New Zealand, NZTA, People, Pet projects, Politics, Project management, Property, Proposed 2GP, Public interest, Resource management, Sport, Tourism, Town planning, Transportation, Travesty, University of Otago, Urban design, What stadium

DCC : Enterprise Dunedin : Gigatown —DEEP QUESTIONS


Submitted on 2015/07/29 at 9:47 am

Where is the Gigatown?
What has been accomplished since February?
What happened to the $50K for “key projects”?
Who is employed by the Digital Office, on the ground, currently?
Where is the new office, the physical presence, supposedly in George St?
What has happened to the $200K approved by Council from July 2015 onwards?
What has happened to the Project Coordinator Position in Enterprise Dunedin? And the associated $100K also approved by Council?
Where is the social media campaign, supposedly delegated to Digital Office in June?
Where is the PR campaign, supposedly awarded to Glow PR in June?
Where is the Gigabit WiFi, supposedly delegated to Digital Office in June?
Where are the companies who moved to Dunedin on the back of the win?

Does the DCT still meet weekly on Mondays? Where are the reports of these meetings?

In short, where is the “game-changing economic boost” promised by the same Mayor who is off to China to explore the next “huge potential”?

Gigatown Dunedin – Plan for Success FINAL
via chorus.co.nz

[excerpt – click to enlarge]Gigatown Dunedin Plan for Success FINAL [chorus.co.nz] excerpt

Virtual Eye Published on Jun 12, 2014
Gigatown Dunedin
#GigatownDunedin is Dunedin’s answer to Chorus’s Gigatown competition. As part of the competition, businesses had to answer five questions put forward by Chorus. This is how ARL answered those questions, on behalf of our hometown.
(In October 2013, Chorus announced that one town in New Zealand would receive the fastest internet in the Southern Hemisphere at extraordinarily cheap prices.)

Otago Daily Times Published on Nov 17, 2014
Gigatown Dunedin Stage2
This #gigatownDUN video is part of Dunedin’s entry into the #gigatown New Zealand competition, the video accompanies the written submission in the final round, the Plan for Gig Success.

Dave Cull student union bollard [20141008_195305]OUSA poster bollard

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28.7.15 Vandervis identifies mayoral JUNKETS #China —with gloss…
24.7.15 Dunedin not an IT city, compared
21.7.15 Dunedin to host LGNZ 2016 conference —FFS TIME TO TAKE IT OUT
9.6.15 City promotion: moral fibre
5.2.15 Tony Avery is “somebody’s” pet #gigatown lapdog
6.11.14 DCC pals up with Chorus —gigatown and telecoms cabinets
14.2.14 DCC: Broadband AND bicycles #fraudband speed
29.10.13 DCC (EDU) invents new job! —Gigatown/Digital Office

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Name, New Zealand, People, Politics, Project management, Site

Tony Avery is “somebody’s” pet #gigatown lapdog

Tony Avery 3 Infrastructure and Networks General Manager Tony Avery resigned from Dunedin City Council on 28 August 2014, falling on his sword as a result of the Citifleet/Citipark fraud —something, the Council conveniently brushes under its carpet with ALL BLAME politically attaching (for insurance purposes) to the deceased former Citifleet manager Brent Bachop. Other council staff were clearly involved; one person alone does not dispose of 152+ cars, and related council assets. So Mr Avery, WENT…. But not really.
With all the scandal and corruption appearing, the Council supportively, extended “help” and salary repeatedly to Mr Avery, after initial news that he would work through to Christmas. Then, on Saturday 31 January the Council revealed that: “He would continue working fulltime, assisting [Ruth] Stokes and helping with the transition on key projects, until March 31, [Sue] Bidrose said.” (ODT 1.2.15).

But the latest DCC blinder:

“Tony Avery’s new gig (pun intended)
Helping Gigatown Dunedin secure sources of funding…”

Updated post 16.4.16
15.5.15 ODT: City readies to take advantage of Gigatown
Last month, [the Digital Community Trust] employed former Dunedin City Council infrastructure and networks general manager Tony Avery as interim project manager.

DCC Pets. Pet Projects. NO COUNCIL SHAME.
How do we define corruption, again.

Related Post and Comments:
12.1.15 Traffic lights: Anzac Avenue/Frederick Street intersection
29.12.14 DCC gets QLDC talent…. the weft and warp deviously weaves
6.11.14 DCC pals up with Chorus —gigatown and telecoms cabinets
9.10.14 DCC’s Daaave at university bollard, in his twilight
28.8.14 DCC: Tony Avery resigns
5.6.14 DCC Transport Strategy and Riccarton Road
22.5.14 DCC Transportation Planning —ANOTHER consultation disaster
24.4.14 DCC promotes Riccarton Rd as sole heavy traffic bypass
29.10.13 DCC (EDU) invents new job! —Gigatown/Digital Office
20.11.12 DCC vs Anzide Properties decision: The road “has no legal basis”

█ For more, enter the terms *citifleet*, *sh88*, *anzide*, *cycle*, *parking* or *riccarton* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

*Image: Tony Avery tweaked by whatifdunedin


Filed under Business, Citifleet, DCC, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Name, New Zealand, People, Pics, Politics, Project management

Cycling at Dunedin —boring debate, network spending continues #DUD

procrastination [davewalkercartoons.com]

Link received Wed, 3 Dec 2017 at 2:52 a.m.
Message: For Toll read Cycle

[Or, ‘Madhead’ Daaave plays Dunedin like Monopoly. We lose.]

### newsbiscuit.com Dec 1, 2014
Stonehenge development: ley lines closed during 2015 while toll lanes added
By Adrian Bamforth
The government has announced a radical up-grade to Britain’s dilapidated ley-line network with major closures on all lines and charges being brought in on certain routes when the network re-opens. ‘For years Britain’s natural mystic energy has been having to cope on an out-dated system,’ said David Cameron dressed in a rainbow baggy jumper wearing a large purple feather as an earring. ‘It might have been adequate for the Bronze Age when it was first laid out, but is entirely unsuitable to 21st Century new age Britain.’

Executive ley lines with controversial tolls are to be introduced in 2015, for those who do not wish to wait for their intangible cosmic earth energy. ‘It will mean demolishing Stonehenge…’ said the Prime Minister, but we are confident that the British people will understand that this is definitely worth it.’ Read more



### ODT Online Thu, 27 Nov 2014
Opinion: Your Say
Why Dunedin needs (some) separated cycleways
By GregDawes
Diane Yeldon raises some important questions. She aligns herself with the ‘vehicular cycling’ movement, which argues that the best place for cyclists is in among the traffic, obeying the same rules as all other road users. On this basis, she questions whether we really need separated cycleways.
As a cyclist I follow the vehicular cycling principles every day. I ride my bike in much the same way as I drive my car, claiming the space I need on the road, while trying to share the carriageway considerately with other road users.
On roads with low traffic volume, relatively slow speeds, and no heavy vehicles, this works well. But it requires a lot of confidence to ride this way on busy roads, when cars are passing at speed and there are trucks and buses.
Read more + Comments

Related Posts and Comments:
22.5.14 DCC Transportation Planning —ANOTHER consultation disaster
6.5.14 Roading network screwed by council staff
14.2.14 DCC: Broadband AND bicycles #fraudband speed
14.1.14 DCC: Hospital area parking changes #cyclelanes
5.1.14 Norman Foster: SkyCycling utopia above London railways #ThinkBig
24.12.13 Daaave’s $47 million Christmas present to Jinty. We’re paying.
4.12.13 Dunedin cycleways: Calvin Oaten greeted by DCC silence
17.11.13 Dunedin cycleways: Calvin Oaten’s alternative route
17.11.13 Cull and MacTavish… “Have you fixed the debt crisis?”
14.11.13 Cycle lane explosions and puncture kits (SPOKES grenades launch)
8.11.13 Dunedin Separated Cycle Lane Proposal [how to make a submission]
29.10.13 DCC (EDU) invents new job! [GigatownDunedin]
19.10.13 Cycle lobby games and media tilts
24.9.13 Mediocrity and lack of critical awareness at DCC [council reports]
8.7.13 Bloody $tupid cycleways and Cull’s electioneering . . . [route maps]
28.3.13 DCC DAP 2013/14: Portobello Harington Point Road Improvements
26.2.13 DCC binge spending alert: Proposed South Dunedin cycle network
22.2.13 DCC: Council meeting agenda and reports for 25 February 2013
31.1.13 Who? 2010 electioneering
21.11.12 Safe cycling -Cr Fliss Butcher
5.11.12 DCC, NZTA: Cycle lanes controversy

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Cycle network, DCC, Democracy, Design, Economics, Hot air, Media, Name, New Zealand, NZTA, People, Pics, Politics, Project management, Property, Site, Sport, Town planning, Urban design, What stadium

DCC’s Daaave at university bollard, in his twilight

Dave Cull student union bollard [20141008_195305] Our Hero, Mayor Daaave Cull

Did we pay for the posters. What do they solve.
Who actually wants to back the Chorus monopoly?!

Gigatown “I can’t think of another single thing that would make as big a difference to the Dunedin economy as winning this.” –Sue Bidrose

### ODT Online Wed, 8 Oct 2014
Gigatowns in final sprint
By Chris Morris and Lucy Ibbotson
Dunedin and Wanaka are rallying their online troops as the race to become the southern hemisphere’s first “gigacity” enters the home straight. In Dunedin, city council chief executive Dr Sue Bidrose said a win on November 26, when final Gigatown results are announced, would be “transformational” for the city. Chorus says its Gigatown competition is a way to help educate and inspire New Zealanders about the possibilities opened up by ultra-fast broadband.
The Chorus competition will see one of five finalists – the others are Timaru, Gisborne and Nelson – become the first to receive full access to one gigabit per second (1Gbs) internet speeds. The five finalists are also preparing for the next stage of the competition – a trip to the United States city of Chattanooga, Tennesse, next week. Dunedin will be represented in Chattanooga by Dr Bidrose and Gigatown Dunedin campaign organiser Josh Jenkins.
Read more

Related Post and comments:
● 14.2.14 DCC: Broadband AND bicycles #fraudband speed
29.10.13 DCC (EDU) invents new job! —Gigatown/Digital Office

Post and image by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under DCC, Name, People, Pics, Politics, Site, University of Otago, What stadium

DCC: Broadband AND bicycles #fraudband speed

Contentious McPravda | ‘Cull, Vandervis censured over feud’ —read Rob Hamlin on the front page headline and story appearing at ODT today. Link

Video link received Friday, 14 February 2014 at 2:33 a.m.

Subject: Broadband AND bicycles
Comment: Yes, it’s possible to have the best of all worlds, almost.

ClarkeAndDawe Published 11 Apr 2013

A Very Smooth Presentation
“Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott release the Opposition Broadband policy” Originally aired on ABC TV: 11/04/2013

Discussing the cheaper alternative to Fibre to the Premises (FttP), known as BttP or Bicycle to the Premises.

ABCTV: For 25 years John Clarke and Bryan Dawe have broadcast a weekly interview in which prominent figures speak about matters of public importance. John pretends to be someone he isn’t pretending to be and Bryan behaves with grace under pressure. The interviews are broadcast on ABCTV on Thursday nights and are available online here, on mrjohnclarke.com and on YouTube. They are also available by prescription at selected retail outlets.


More Clarke and Dawe at What if? Dunedin:
29.12.13 Clarke and Dawe —November/December 2013
17.11.13 Cull, MacTavish: (to borrow a phrase) “Have you fixed the debt crisis?”
9.11.13 Quiz on politics

Related Posts and Comments:
9.10.14 DCC’s Daaave at university bollard, in his twilight
14.1.14 DCC: Hospital area parking changes #cyclelanes
24.12.13 Daaave’s $47 million Christmas present to Jinty. We’re paying.
29.10.13 DCC (EDU) invents new job! [GigatownDunedin]

For more on cycle lanes, enter *cycle* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Economics, Geography, Hot air, Media, Name, People, Pics, Politics, Project management, Town planning, Urban design, What stadium