Tag Archives: DCC Economic Development Unit

Bradken keen to sell Tewsley Street premises

### dunedintv.co.nz November 17, 2014 – 6:25pm
Bradken’s move to Hillside Workshops foundry delayed
It’s been two years since Bradken announced it would move its Dunedin operations to the Hillside Workshops foundry. But the global company seems unable to sell its long-time premises in Tewsley Street. Bradken signed a five-year agreement with KiwiRail to lease the Hillside foundry. It planned to move its entire operation to the site, and expand capacity. Some workers have moved to Hillside, and the foundry’s been marked with the Bradken logo. But the company’s Tewsley Street premises remain open and on the market. Bradken’s been in Tewsley Street for almost 50 years.
Ch39 Link

Bradken (Derek Smith - waterfront 28) 2Bradken Resources Pty Ltd, Mason St frontage (detail) | Derek Smith 2003

ODT articles:
25.1.13 Bradken tight-lipped over Hillside move
22.5.13 Bradken on the move
8.6.13 Bradken’s foundry site likely to be divided
5.7.13 Final day at Hillside
7.8.13 4-day week as Kiwi Rail tender lost
8.8.13 Otago unemployment up 37% on year ago
14.8.13 Bradken earnings down at $A183.6m
21.12.13 Rally helps keep Hillside hopes alive
29.12.13 Bradken staff back on five-day week

Bradken Resources Pty Ltd - 2 Tewsley St [DCC Webmap]DCC Webmap – Bradken, 2 Tewsley Street, Harbourside [click to enlarge]

### dunedntv.co.nz November 14, 2014 – 7:02pm
Nightly interview: Des Adamson
Des Adamson, DCC [Ch39 screenshot] 1There’s been good and bad news for the Dunedin business sector recently, with the closure of some operations and expansion of others. Des Adamson is the manager of economic development at Enterprise Dunedin, and he’s here to tell us about the state of business in the city. Video

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

*In 2003 photographer Derek Smith generously shared two DVDs of Dunedin images he had made, for my use in heritage advocacy. These include industrial and commercial subjects.


Filed under Architecture, Business, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Heritage, Inspiration, Media, Name, New Zealand, Politics, Project management, Property, Site

DCC adds staff positions, significant ratepayer cost

Two permanent full-time project co-ordinators to run the Project China and Export Education Uplift initiatives.

### ODT Online Tue, 21 Oct 2014
Vandervis takes aim over funding request
By Chris Morris
There were heated exchanges between Dunedin city councillors as a debate over an economic development funding request turned into a spat yesterday. The dust-up came as councillors considered a request from the Grow Dunedin Partnership to use $190,000 a year from existing council budgets to pay staff salaries for two projects during the next three years.
Read more

Report – EDC – 20/10/2014 (PDF, 126.7 KB)
Economic Development Strategy Projects Budget – Project Co-ordinators’ Funding Request

From the report…

Enterprise Dunedin’s EDS projects budget is $518,000 for the current 2014/2015 financial year and has yet to be ratified for the 2015/16 year and future years. This budget pays for progressing EDS projects and includes payment for the project co-ordinators and project management costs.

That the Committee:

1. Approve the earmarking of $190,000 on an annual basis from the Economic Development Project Budget for the purpose of employing two project co-ordinators.

2. That this funding be included as two line items within the Economic Development Project fund for a period of three years:
- Export Education Uplift Co-ordinator – $95,000
- Project China Co-ordinator – $95,000

Dunedin Economic Development Strategy 2013-2023BACKGROUND
Dunedin’s Economic Development Strategy (EDS) was adopted in 2013 by its six partners. There are two specific economic goals:

1. 10,000 extra jobs over 10 years (requiring employment growth of approximately 2% per annum.

2. An average of $10,000 extra income for each person (requiring GDP per capita to rise by about 2.5% per annum).

. . .

The Strategy is built around five themes:
1. Business vitality
2. Alliances for innovation
3. A hub of skills and talent
4. Linkages beyond our borders
5. A compelling destination

Related Posts and Comments:
14.8.14 Mayor Cull’s reflections on Edinburgh #SisterCity #Junkets
21.4.14 Dunedin economic development strategy — low flying Year 1
15.3.13 Dunedin showcase (election year tripe): economic development strategy
19.6.12 DRAFT Dunedin Economic Development Strategy
31.5.12 Public Forum: Dunedin’s DRAFT Economic Development Strategy

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Democracy, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Politics, Project management, What stadium

Dunedin economic development strategy — low flying Year 1

Flying Pig coin bank [awakenedaesthetic.com] 3

Call a meeting with local business representatives… does this speakfest qualify as formal reporting (audit) of ‘first-year’ progress for Dunedin’s economic development strategy, through the touted partnership process? Perhaps this is ‘same-old’ head chasing tail stuff? Ratepayers and residents deserve to know how much money DCC is wasting on partnership activity, junkets and promotion. What are the true gains or losses to DCC on fostering this ‘investment’? Cr Chris Staynes, be accountable and transparent for the council pigs that fly.

Dunedin’s Economic Development Strategy BY DUNEDIN FOR DUNEDIN AND BEYOND 2013-2023 (PDF, 1408 KB)


The Otago Southland Employers Association “had reviewed export capacity” and was “focusing on mentoring and assisting medium to small companies to improve their exports”.

### ODT Online Mon, 21 Apr 2014
City development a long game: Staynes
By Debbie Porteous
Cr Chris Staynes told about 150 members of Dunedin’s business community gathered recently for an update on the city’s year-old economic development strategy that a partnership of the city council, Ngai Tahu, Otago Polytechnic, University of Otago, Otago Chamber of Commerce and Otago Southland Employers Association was already making inroads on an agreed target of creating 10,000 extra jobs in Dunedin and increasing average per capita income by $10,000 in 10 years.
Read more


“At the far end of the positive scale was Dunedin, declining from 5% the previous quarter to the last of the eight regions in positive territory, at 3%.”

### ODT Online Mon, 21 Apr 2014
Queenstown investors rival Auckland’s
By Simon Hartley
Queenstown and Dunedin are poles apart in commercial property investor confidence, as the tourism capital vies with Auckland for top spot.
The Colliers International quarterly survey on commercial property investor confidence, based on more than 3700 responses [shows] Auckland and Queenstown have returned confidence levels at 58% and 56% respectively, similar to the previous quarter, while Christchurch has slumped from 60% to 43%, but is third-highest of the 11 regions canvassed.
Read more

Related Posts and Comments:
15.4.14 Destination Queenstown immediately on the job #RoyalVisitNZ
14.4.14 Woop! Waterfront TOWER hotel RIP [Fail: Song gives up]
10.4.14 Stadium: Edgar’s $1m donation (private sector fundraising) [Fail/IOU]
8.4.14 Cinderella Shanghai + 75 ugly sisters
20.3.14 Delta: Report from Office of the Auditor-General [Fail: Lose $9m]
17.2.14 Oil and gas: Supply base competition [Fail: No gas]
24.1.14 Stadium: It came to pass . . . [Fail: Stadium Review, losing +$20m pa]
17.12.13 Eiontown killing it: Plans for upmarket convention centre + hot pools
29.10.13 DCC (EDU) invents new job! [Fail: Digital Office]
14.8.13 Fall Down Otago —The Summit (gasp!)
18.7.13 Dear DCC: Dunedin’s [choke] $47M cycle network [Fail: Expensive gifts to minority]
17.5.13 Dunedin: city marketing @@@ [Ongoing Fail]
15.3.13 Dunedin showcase (election year tripe): economic development strategy
31.10.12 Cull’s council takes business away from retailers [Fail: CBD bus stops and parking]
17.10.12 “But there’s more to Dunedin than just bloody cruise ships”
13.9.12 Dunedin City Council meeting (17 Sept) [EDS: Seven priority projects]
19.6.12 DRAFT Dunedin Economic Development Strategy
5.5.12 Dunedin and the southern region’s business future

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

*Image: awakenedaesthetic.com – Flying Pig coin bank (re-imaged by whatifdunedin)


Filed under Architecture, Business, COC (Otago), Construction, DCC, Design, Economics, Events, Hot air, Innovation, Media, Name, New Zealand, ORFU

DCC: Broadband AND bicycles #fraudband speed

Contentious McPravda | ‘Cull, Vandervis censured over feud’ —read Rob Hamlin on the front page headline and story appearing at ODT today. Link

Video link received Friday, 14 February 2014 at 2:33 a.m.

Subject: Broadband AND bicycles
Comment: Yes, it’s possible to have the best of all worlds, almost.

ClarkeAndDawe Published 11 Apr 2013

A Very Smooth Presentation
“Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott release the Opposition Broadband policy” Originally aired on ABC TV: 11/04/2013

Discussing the cheaper alternative to Fibre to the Premises (FttP), known as BttP or Bicycle to the Premises.

ABCTV: For 25 years John Clarke and Bryan Dawe have broadcast a weekly interview in which prominent figures speak about matters of public importance. John pretends to be someone he isn’t pretending to be and Bryan behaves with grace under pressure. The interviews are broadcast on ABCTV on Thursday nights and are available online here, on mrjohnclarke.com and on YouTube. They are also available by prescription at selected retail outlets.


More Clarke and Dawe at What if? Dunedin:
29.12.13 Clarke and Dawe —November/December 2013
17.11.13 Cull, MacTavish: (to borrow a phrase) “Have you fixed the debt crisis?”
9.11.13 Quiz on politics

Related Posts and Comments:
9.10.14 DCC’s Daaave at university bollard, in his twilight
14.1.14 DCC: Hospital area parking changes #cyclelanes
24.12.13 Daaave’s $47 million Christmas present to Jinty. We’re paying.
29.10.13 DCC (EDU) invents new job! [GigatownDunedin]

For more on cycle lanes, enter *cycle* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Economics, Geography, Hot air, Media, Name, People, Pics, Politics, Project management, Town planning, Urban design, What stadium

Dunedin – an oil base?

Oil is New Zealand’s third-largest export earner behind dairy and meat. –ODT

### ODT Online Tue, 13 Apr 2010
Drilling hopes for Dunedin
By Mark Price
The man representing Dunedin in negotiations with oil exploration companies believes the city is well placed to benefit if two oil companies decide, in August, to drill off the coast next year. Des Adamson, from the Dunedin City Council’s economic development unit, said yesterday it was hard to know what Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and Origin Energy had found from the seismic testing it was doing.

Taranaki has:
• 90% of New Zealand’s oil and gas jobs and income.
• $741 million of direct annual income from oil and gas.
• 817 oil and gas jobs.
• 2.66 further jobs for every oil and gas job.
Read more

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

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Filed under Business, DCC, Economics, Geography, Inspiration, Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Politics, Project management, Site