Tag Archives: TCFT

DCC AMAZE —oh, more fraud

DCC logo (fraud) 2

‘Enormously disappointing’ —And Enormously Expected.
‘ONE MAN’ did it. An outright fairytale.
DOLLY didn’t, either. More to come !!

### ODT Online Mon, 10 Aug 2015
Further cases of fraud at council
By Chris Morris
The Dunedin City Council says the discovery of five more examples of fraud and theft inside the organisation is “enormously” disappointing. […] Details of the smaller incidents emerged last week, in response to Otago Daily Times questions, a year after the discovery of the Citifleet fraud.
Read more

█ ODT blocks public comments to this item.

ODT 10.8.15 [Source: DCC]

ODT 10.8.15 Further cases of fraud at council p1[screenshot]

Related Posts and Comments:
7.8.15 MOU DCC and TCFT New Aquatic Facility #MosgielPool
4.8.15 Hundreds of DCC Staff receive fraud detection/prevention training
28.7.15 DCC tender fraud includes Citifleet —not for discussion
23.7.15 Publicise: laudafinem.com
207.15 Noble property subdivision —DELTA #LGOIMA
13.7.15 Jeff Dickie: Edinburgh tough, Dunedin (DUD)
4.7.15 DCC Citifleet, [a] Deloitte report leaked
25.6.15 DCC Citifleet COVERUP #screwy
17.6.15 Citifleet: ‘Checkpoint’ interviews Dave Cull
4.5.15 Cr Lee Vandervis: Why I continue to vote. #email
1.5.15 Cr Vandervis unlikely to quit several missions #coverup #naturaljustice
24.3.15 Noble property subdivision —DELTA
23.3.15 Noble property subdivision: “Denials suggest that we have not learned.”
17.3.15 DCC —Delta, Jacks Point Luggate II….
3.1.15 DCC: Street talk NEVER HAPPENED
28.4.15 Today at DCC in pictures
24.4.15 DCC re Dr Bidrose’s time as most senior Citifleet Manager
23.4.15 DCC severely FAILS councillor #naturaljustice #contempt
18.3.15 Lee Vandervis releases emails #Citifleet investigation
13.3.15 Cr Vandervis: LGOIMA request – Citifleet … Deloitte Report
24.12.14 Dunedin: Watching the detectives
1.12.14 Stadium Review: LGOIMA request and 2009 Town Hall speeches
18.12.14 DCC: Deloitte report released on Citifleet
21.11.14 Stadium Review: Mayor Cull exposed
19.11.14 Forsyth Barr Stadium Review
1.9.14 DCC Fraud: Further official information in reply to Cr Vandervis
30.8.14 DCC Fraud: Cr Vandervis … urgent need for facts and record to be public
27.8.14 DCC whitewash on serious fraud, steals democracy from citizens
22.8.14 DCC: Deloitte report referred to the police #Citifleet
3.7.14 Stuff: Alleged vehicle fraud at DCC
1.7.14 DCC: Far-reaching fraud investigation Citifleet
28.5.14 DCC: Audit and risk subcommittee
20.3.14 Delta: Report from Office of the Auditor-General
19.3.14 ORFU: Black-tie dinner, theft or fraud?
26.2.14 DCC: New audit and risk subcommittee a little too late !!
14.2.14 DCC: Broadband AND bicycles #fraudband speed
1.12.13 Secret Commissions Act aka ‘Backhanders Law’

█ For more, enter the terms *deloitte*, *citifleet*, *fraud*, *conduct*, *vandervis*, *delta*, *orfu* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Carisbrook, Citifleet, Construction, CST, Cycle network, DCC, DCHL, DCTL, Delta, Democracy, DVL, DVML, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, LGNZ, Media, Name, New Zealand, NZRU, NZTA, OAG, OCA, Ombudsman, ORFU, People, Police, Politics, Pools, Project management, Property, SFO, Site, Sport, Stadiums, Town planning, Transportation, Urban design

Cr Whiley on offensive at Build Dunedin #fb

Updated post

It’s naïve and self-promoting —Cr Andrew Whiley is after the new chairship Mayor Dave Cull might establish to meet a particular contingency (as sourced from council staff a few weeks back).

Facebook.com | BuildTheHotel <<< …
Sat, 8 Aug 2015 at 3:30 p.m. [screenshot]

Build Dunedin facebook - It's Vandervis versus the Council yet again - 3.30 pm 8.8.15

█ For more, enter the terms *citifleet*, *vandervis*, *conduct*, *long term plan* or *mosgiel* in the search box at right.

Ode to Whiley…. Pick me Pick me

LennyKravitzVEVO Uploaded on May 6, 2011
Lenny Kravitz – Are You Gonna Go My Way
Official video of Lenny Kravitz performing Are You Gonna Go My Way from the album Are You Gonna Go My Way. Directed by Mark Romanek.
Music: “Are You Gonna Go My Way” by Lenny Kravitz (Google Play • iTunes)

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Carisbrook, Citifleet, Construction, CST, Cycle network, DCC, DCHL, DCTL, Delta, Democracy, DVL, DVML, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Hot air, Hotel, LGNZ, Media, Name, New Zealand, NZRU, NZTA, OCA, Offshore drilling, ORFU, People, Pics, Police, Politics, Pools, Project management, Property, Site, Sport, Stadiums, Tourism, Town planning, Transportation, Urban design