Citifleet: ‘Checkpoint’ interviews Dave Cull

### Thu, 18 Dec 2014
Checkpoint with Simon Mercep
Report reveals how car manager ripped off Dunedin council
17:20 An investigation into the Dunedin City Council’s missing cars has named Citifleet team leader Brent Bachop (bok-ip) as the man at the heart of the one and a half million dollar fraud. A Deloitte report released this afternoon details how he transferred vehicles to his name and sold them on, including some to fellow staff and councillors. It slams the council for not detecting the fraud sooner. Brent Bachop died suddenly in May. With us now is Dunedin’s mayor Dave Cull.
Audio | Download: OggMP3 ( 4′ 21″ )

Received from Lee Vandervis
Tue, 16 Jun 2015 at 10:00 p.m.

Thank you for this audio. In it Mayor Cull says that none of the managers in charge at the time of the Citifleet frauds are still at the DCC. Has he forgotten that Dr Bidrose is still there?

Mayor Cull also says that the frauds were discovered and investigated in the last year. Has he forgotten that I had discovered and was investigating Citifleet frauds since 2011, and that senior staff were prompted by me to investigate then but apparently allowed themselves to be fobbed off by the most superficial denials from some of the perpetrators themselves?

█ For more, enter the terms *citifleet*, *bachop*, *bidrose* or *vandervis* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Citifleet, DCC, Economics, Hot air, Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Police, Politics, Project management, Property, SFO, Site, What stadium

3 responses to “Citifleet: ‘Checkpoint’ interviews Dave Cull

  1. Gurglars

    Forgotten not Forgiven
    Kylie Simon

  2. Elizabeth

    Wed, ‎17‎ ‎Jun‎ ‎2015 ‎4‎:‎17‎ ‎p.m.

    WTF Daaaave (1)

  3. Gurglars

    Speak …… Hogwash

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