DCC tender fraud includes Citifleet —not for discussion

Mayor Cull is papering over cracks.

Where did the Deloitte report on Citifleet disappear to after it was leaked to ODT? Somewhere deep in a mud tank, at South Dunedin?
Deloitte produced three Citifleet reports; at least two of these show people are liable (present tense) for prosecution.

Where has ODT been to not take the cover off said blocked mud tank.

What makes Dunedin Police so reluctant to prosecute.

Cull and Bidrose “say” just one man, Bachop, is guilty of the +$1.5million Citifleet fraud, which included +152 fleet vehicles lost as well as trade in tyres and parts, and vehicle service contracts (tenders, black market, yawn)….

No wonder Deloitte investigator Kyle Cameron is pissed off at DCC.
No prosecutions ~!!

But back to Monday’s thrashing on tender fraud.
Cr Vandervis has already provided enough evidence to DCC officials, in non public, to add to or start investigations. They don’t want to know.
This is local government at Dunedin, refusing transparency and accountability.

Cr Vandervis hit back, telling the meeting he had provided other evidence to Mr Cull in confidence in the past, and could produce it publicly at the meeting, if needed.

### ODT Online Tue, 28 Jul 2015
Vandervis told to produce ‘evidence’
By Chris Morris
Mayor Dave Cull and Cr Lee Vandervis locked horns yesterday after the latter claimed to have “plenty of evidence” of tender fraud involving the council. The comment, as councillors at yesterday’s full council meeting signed off on a new sensitive expenditure policy, prompted a point of order from Cr Jinty MacTavish, who labelled his comment “disrespectful” and challenged him to produce evidence.
Read more

Report – Council – 27/07/2015 (PDF, 164.6 KB)
Sensitive Expenditure Policy and Procedures

The new policy covered everything from travel and accommodation to entertainment and hospitality, but not contracts and tendering, which Cr Vandervis wanted included as well. (ODT)

About cemetery contracts….

5.3.15 ODT: Praise for council from outgoing manager

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Citifleet, Construction, CST, Cycle network, DCC, DCHL, DCTL, Delta, Democracy, Design, DVL, DVML, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Events, LGNZ, Media, Name, New Zealand, NZTA, OAG, OCA, Ombudsman, ORFU, People, Police, Politics, Pools, Project management, Property, SFO, Site, Sport, Stadiums, Town planning, Transportation, Urban design

7 responses to “DCC tender fraud includes Citifleet —not for discussion

  1. Elizabeth

    Tendering related.

    ### ODT Online Thu, 30 Jul 2015
    Painters given the brush-off by DCC
    By Chris Morris
    A Dunedin painting contractor says his business – and possibly his staff – could suffer after being brushed out of the picture by the Dunedin City Council. Dean Kelly, of Kelly Painting and Decorating, has accused the council of being “arrogant” after it decided not to contract smaller companies to paint the exteriors of council-owned community housing units this summer.
    Read more

  2. Anonymous

    DCC contracts of this nature should include the text “no part of this contract may be sub-tendered, outsourced or contracted out”.

    • Hype O'Thermia

      Contracts of this nature are damn near a guarantee that standards will fall and costs rise. Kill off the competition, get slack because you’ve got the security of a big contract in perpetuity – or until someone like Lee Vandervis plus a majority of other realists get voted onto council – not likely because Dunedin people show a sad-ass preference for vapid smiley-smiley people who don’t upset them with unpleasant facts.

  3. Richard Stedman

    Well, there you go. Lee Vandervis is right as usual.
    How can this be termed “best practice”?
    I had hoped for much better from Grant McKenzie, but he seems to have been seduced by the sheer arrogance of city hall.

  4. Peter

    Ok, Lee has said he has provided Dave ‘with the evidence’, but Dave doesn’t reveal it and rubbishes it. You would expect him to for political advantage, wouldn’t you? If Lee was talking rubbish, Dave does not hop into him. Go figure.
    Meanwhile that guy with the painting business hasn’t had the opportunity to give a tender for exterior work on council property because the council has ‘preferred’ people to deal with.
    Something smells. Real bad.

  5. Simon

    How is it that FH are a “preferred” then they can subcontract the work out ?

  6. Hype O'Thermia

    Can’t be preferred for the quality of their work because it’s not *their* work, it’s the work of an assortment of subbies.
    So what’s preferable about them, I wonder.

    Handshakes, backhanders, shakedowns, back-scratchers……….

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