Tag Archives: Horses

DCC Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw : Real-deal submission

[click to enlarge]

Dunedin City Council
Current consultations: Proposed Reserves and Beaches Bylaw 2017


Received from JimmyJones
Sat, 17 Mar 2017 at 10:03 p.m.

Subject: RE: Reserves and beaches consultation failure

Message: Find attached an outstanding submission on the horse-hating bylaw. I am sure there were many good subs, but I noticed this one from an 11-year-old who has a horse called Tonka. She makes a very good case for freedom. Like many of the other submitters, she bypassed the professionally organised DCC misinformation and understood that the DCC are threatening a total ban on horses on beaches.

I think other people should see it, I have removed her name from the submission in case she wasn’t expecting widespread publicity.

The submitters tell us that no other Council has a ban on horse riding on beaches in New Zealand.

Related Post and Comments:
8.2.17 Hands Off Enjoyment of OUR Beaches #DCC

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

This post is offered in the public interest.


Filed under Adventure sport, Business, Corruption, DCC, DCC Bylaws, Democracy, District Plan, Dunedin, Economics, Education, Events, Geography, Health, Health & Safety, Heritage, New Zealand, ORC, People, Perversion, Pet projects, Politics, Project management, Public interest, Resource management, Sport, Tourism, Transportation, Travesty, What stadium

Stadium: Behaviours at Suite 29 (intrepid tales)

Updated post 11.9.14 at 6:24 p.m.

The Otago Daily Times was tipped off about its [Studio 29] closure by a caller who described it as a private bar for a “boys’ club”.

However, a number of girls were allowed in….

Mr Davies confirmed the room was now considered “outdated” for the stadium, and the decision to close it had been made in April.

That being said we had already done lots of photography!

### ODT Online Wed, 10 Sep 2014
Taps turned off at stadium’s ‘bar for the boys’
By Chris Morris
Last drinks have been called for a male drinking bastion buried deep within the bowels of Forsyth Barr Stadium. The call has been made by Dunedin Venues Management Ltd chief executive Terry Davies, who confirmed the closure of “Suite 29” following a review launched earlier this year. The small room – in the main south stand near the venue’s service entrance – was used as a private social space for DVML staff, high-profile sports stars and other guests, with beer provided.
Read more

A bit of a rundown….

[Mr Davies] was not aware of any behavioural problems associated with the room, but expected staff would have to find other places to socialise after work.

Behaviours/behavioural problems, indeed.
Ahhh, the stories to tell from Carisbrook, the farm, and Fubar…. the whole continuance, but with the closure of Suite 29 where will DVML staff, executive and friends meet now? And Mr Hansen, we hear he’s doing terribly well and enjoying his flatscreen TVs (2).

“Activities at Suite 29 included ‘celebrity’ attendances to underage drinking and other things. The twitter feed clearly shows the beer line that comes direct from the Speight’s tanks at the stadium.” [Anonymous]

Images from the deactivated @29suite Twitter account – due to the lack of space here we’ve held back on publishing too many of the tweets photographed, nevertheless you’ll get the flavour:

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A spot of horse owning….
Rock Of Tara racks up 30th win for Tweedie
Last updated 05:00 18/12/2012

Cars are fun….
Screenshot (58)

Wanting shareholders to help buy things like a car and well, horses….
Screenshot (56)

Oh yeah. They run treasure hunts at work….

Loaded firearm 2

Important friends help with the sheep….
Screenshot (35)

Munted farm produce (or they eat well)….
Screenshot (52)

Things that make us go Hmmm….
● Ask about Suite 29 and how it’s used to fund a staff member’s horse and racing car and how staff are bullied into buying space sold on the wall to fund the hobby.
● That tickets are sold to staff to fund Suite 29. It’s only for boys and invited girls who tow the line.
● Ask about the beer keg system installed into this area and who paid for that and the huge amounts of beer. [Also, worth asking where the plumbed-in keg came from and who paid for it. The free beer from Lion!!!]
● Ask if it’s ok for the staff member to use the corporate suites to carry out extramarital affairs.
● Ask the staff fired from the Dunedin Centre about the bullying tactics and how the technical staff had to be moved down there because they feared the staff member’s bullying.
● Use of stadium equipment at the farm.
● Use of language by the staff member in the office which creates a terrible unprofessional ‘rugby culture’ at the stadium.
● An invoice for a taxi to Big Stone Road! Worth over $100.

THE ANTECEDENT – Dug Out, Carisbrook
Run by the same types….

Screenshot (273) detailScreenshot (310) 1


Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

*Images: Screenshots by whatifdunedin – from a photographic series based on a web of Twitter accounts


Filed under Business, Carisbrook, DCC, DVL, DVML, Media, Name, New Zealand, NZRU, ORFU, People, Pics, Property, Site, Sport, Stadiums

DVML: New monthly updates in local press

HOT page 5 beefcake.

IMG_20140902_180724ODT advert 2.9.14 (detail)

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

*Image: whatifdunedin (cameraphone)


Filed under Business, Concerts, DCC, DVML, Economics, Events, Fun, Hot air, Media, Name, New Zealand, NZRU, ORFU, People, Politics, Project management, Property, Site, Sport, Stadiums, What stadium

Stadium: Low turnout to family show

Bjorn Again Ride the Rhythm 1.2.14

### ODT Online Mon, 3 Feb 2014
Organisers happy but crowd down
By Shawn McAvinue and Timothy Brown
Organisers are calling Ride the Rhythm’s second year a success despite ticket sales being almost half those of last year’s event. Event director Ross Farquhar said Ride the Rhythm, which attracted about 3500 people to Forsyth Barr Stadium on Saturday, was “really well supported”.
About 6500 attended last year’s event which was headlined by the Hollies.
Read more


ODT Online
Spinning like a Dancing Queen
Submitted by nightimejohn on Mon, 03/02/2014 – 11:06am.
I can’t think of any other business that would be ‘pleased’ with a 50% drop in business in a year. But then Stadium logic applies.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

*Image: ticketdirect.co.nz – Ride the Rhythm Bjorn Again


Filed under Business, Concerts, DVML, Economics, Events, Hot air, Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Project management, Site, Stadiums, What stadium

Clydesdale Horse Centennial Parade Saturday 11 June #Dunedin

Clydesdales in the Octagon! Followed by parade!

These Temporary Road Closures will be in place between 10.15am and 12noon:

The Octagon Central Carriageway
The Lower Octagon between Princes Street and George Street
Lower Stuart Street between The Octagon and Castle Street
Castle Street
St Andrew Street

The Parade Wagons will make their way from The Octagon, at 12noon, to Forbury Park, along Princes Street, King Edward Street,Prince Albert Road and Richardson Street. Manual Traffic Control will be in place.
DCC Link

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Events, Fun, Heritage, People