Cr Andrew Whiley easily points up Greenie Hawkins’ inadequacy #SouthDunedinFlood

LOUD Applause for Cr Andrew Whiley —whom Cr Hawkins thought he could sting with a little pop gun that blows bubbles. Greenie Hawkins is particularly keen was it(?) to stand in Waikouaiti Coast-Chalmers Ward at the next election, if that is his game in moving to Port Chalmers recently.

ODT 16.3.16 (page 14)

ODT 16.3.16 Letter to editor Hawkins p14 (1)

█ VIDEO Dunedin City Council – Council Meeting – November 30 2015
Published on Dec 7, 2015

### ODT Online Tue, 8 Mar 2016
South Dunedin needs some love from city
By Andrew Whiley [Councillor]
OPINION It is amazing how the future of South Dunedin has become such a political issue since the flood of June 3, 2015. […] It is a great community, with a vital shopping area, wonderful schools and proud citizens. It is a valuable area that just needs attention with the appropriate investment in services and maintenance. In my opinion, the flood of June 3 was exacerbated by the poor maintenance of the mud tanks and the issues around the Portobello Rd pumping station. The mud tank report has yet to come to the council but any resident in the area will tell you there was an issue with maintenance.
Read more


SOUTH DUNEDIN FLOOD | Stormwater Infrastructure Failure
After the DCC chief executive’s non-technical response to Neil Johnstone’s independent peer review of the DCC Water and Waste Services report 30 Nov 2015 [see too Neil Johnstone’s response to the chief executive’s letter]…. if I was Cr Andrew Whiley I wouldn’t put too much faith in DCC Transport’s forthcoming mudtank / stormwater drainage report —due for public release in April.

Remember that in advance of the two VERY LATE infrastructure performance reports was the DCC’s media statement that its lawyers and insurers had determined that the city council had no liability in connection with the [majorly devastating] flood event at South Dunedin on and about 3 June 2015.

█ 27.11.15 ODT: Council ‘not liable for flood damage’
“The Dunedin City Council says it is not liable for private property damage caused by the South Dunedin flood, despite admitting problems with its pumping network prolonged the pain for residents. […] The issue had been considered by the council’s lawyers and insurers, but the advice from both was the council was not liable, Mrs Stokes said.”

12.10.15 ODT: Floods not expected to affect premiums
8.7.15 ODT: $2.75m flood bill for city
10.6.15 ODT: Mud-tanks did not worsen floods: DCC
9.6.15 ODT: Stream of complaints over mud-tank maintenance
8.6.15 ODT: Drains blocked, residents claim



******Failed LGOIMA Request lodged by Elizabeth Kerr

From: Elizabeth Kerr
Sent: Monday, 25 January 2016 9:24 p.m.
To: Sandy Graham; DCC LGOIMA Information Request
Cc: Kristy Rusher; Elizabeth Kerr
Subject: LGOIMA Request – Ref No. 531420

Further to my use of the online form at DCC website:

Dear Sandy

LGOIMA Request – South Dunedin mudtanks and stormwater drains
Reference No. 531420

I request the following information:

1. Can Dunedin City Council tell me if all mudtanks and stormwater drains in the South Dunedin catchment have been physically cleared in the time elapsed since the 3 June 2015 flood?

2. How many times have these mudtanks and stormwater drains been checked and cleared since the 3 June 2015 flood?

3. Which contractor / subcontractor has been responsible for this monitoring and clearance work since the 3 June 2015 flood?

4. Who (name and staff position) at Dunedin City Council has been directly responsible for checking the contractor / subcontractor work since the 3 June 2015 flood?

5. Are there any items of stormwater infrastructure in the South Dunedin catchment that are known to be blocked or cannot be cleared (if for any reason), since the 3 June 2015 flood?

I look forward to your reply in digital format by email.

Kind regards, Elizabeth


From: Kristy Rusher
Date: 26/01/2016 8:36 am (GMT+12:00)
To: Elizabeth Kerr, Sandy Graham, DCC LGOIMA Information Request
Subject: RE: LGOIMA Request – Ref No. 531420

Hi Elizabeth,

Thank you for your LGOIMA request. I have forwarded your questions to our Group Manager, Transport [Ian McCabe -Eds] for a response. As you are aware, a decision on your request will be made within 20 working days.

Kristy Rusher

Kristy Rusher
Manager Civic and Legal, Civic
Dunedin City Council

Notice of Extension 1

From: Kristy Rusher
Sent: Tuesday, 23 February 2016 5:47 p.m.
To: Elizabeth Kerr
Subject: LGOIMA request – Mudtanks number: 531420

Hi Elizabeth,

The DCC is extending your request for information for 5 working days as meeting the time limits for the original request would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the Council (section 14(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987).


Kristy Rusher
Manager Civic and Legal, Civic
Dunedin City Council

Notice of Extension 2

——– Original message ——–
From: Kristy Rusher
Date: 02/03/2016 8:29 am (GMT+12:00)
To: Elizabeth Kerr
Subject: Re: LGOIMA request – Mudtanks number: 531420

Hi Elizabeth,

The DCC is currently extending your information request for a further 15 working days (section 14(1)(a) LGOIMA 87). This is because meeting the timeframes would unreasonably interfere with organisational priorities.


Sent from my iPhone


From: Kristy Rusher
Sent: Monday, 14 March 2016 8:21 a.m.
To: Elizabeth Kerr
Subject: Information Request – Mudtanks.

Dear Elizabeth,

Your information request concerning mudtanks in the South Dunedin area has been declined, as this information will soon become publicly available in a report to Council in coming months (section 17(d) Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987).

As we have declined your request, we are required to advise you that you may have this decision reviewed by the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman may be reached on the following contact details:

Email: info

Free phone: [numbers deleted -Eds]

Kristy Rusher
Manager Civic and Legal, Civic
Dunedin City Council

While the above correspondence was in play the following letter to the editor by John Evans (ODT 17.2.16) received reply from Mr Ian McCabe. Hmm.

ODT 17.2.16 letter to editor Evans p12 (1)

And further, Ms Ruth Stokes declared (ODT 5.3.16) that CityCare had been awarded the contract to clear South Dunedin mudtanks:

New contractor for mud tanks
The companies responsible for keeping South Dunedin’s mud tanks clean, and stamping new markings on the city’s cycleways, are set to lose $15 million worth of contracts with the Dunedin City Council. The decisions were confirmed yesterday, as it was also announced City Care – a Christchurch City Council-owned company already working in Dunedin – would clean all 1500 mud tanks in South Dunedin over the next month.
Read more

Related Posts and Comments:
● 8.3.16 Johnstone independent review of DCC report…
● 2.3.16 DCC compels extensions on LGOIMA requests #SouthDunedinFlood
26.2.16 Mudtanks and drains + Notice of Public Meeting #SouthDunedinFlood
● 21.2.16 DCC infrastructure report (30.11.15) subject to ‘internal review’ only…
● 13.2.16 South Dunedin Flood (3 June 2015): Bruce Hendry via ODT
4.2.16 2GP commissioner appears to tell Council outcome… #hazardzones
4.2.16 Level responses to Dunedin mayor’s hippo soup #Jun2015flood
30.1.16 DCC Rates: LOCAL CONTEXT not Stats —Delta and Hippopotamuses
25.1.16 DCC: South Dunedin Integrated Catchment Management Plan (ICMP)
19.1.16 Listener 23.1.16 (letter): South Dunedin #Jun2015flood
16.1.16 NZ Listener 16.1.16 (letter): South Dunedin #Jun2015flood
10.1.16 Infrastructure ‘open to facile misinterpretation’…. or local ignore
5.1.16 Hammered from all sides #fixit [dunedinflood Jun2015]
● 24.12.15 Site notice: posts removed
● 3.11.15 South Dunedin Flood | Correspondence & Debriefing Notes released by DCC today #LGOIMA

█ For more, enter the terms *flood*, *hazard* or *south dunedin* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Climate change, Cycle network, DCC, Democracy, District Plan, Dunedin, Economics, Events, Geography, Heritage, Infrastructure, Media, Name, New Zealand, OAG, Ombudsman, People, Perversion, Pet projects, Politics, Project management, Property, Proposed 2GP, Resource management, Site, South Dunedin, Tourism, Town planning, Transportation, Travesty, Urban design, What stadium

17 responses to “Cr Andrew Whiley easily points up Greenie Hawkins’ inadequacy #SouthDunedinFlood

  1. Gurglars

    From the council:

    Stuff you Elizabeth, we aint replying and in fact we are pleading the 5th amendment to the US constitution.

    To answer is to incriminate us and under the constitution we are able to avoid, obviate and decline to answer.

    And as the PM has signed the TPP, the US constitution now rules New Zealand. Long live the US constitution, the NZ bureaucracy and our ability to spend YOUR money without FEAR or FAVOUR except FAVOUR to us, the new rulers, the BUREAUCRACY.


  2. Gurglars

    Unfortunately it’s not the brain that is of interest it is the thoughts that emanate that is the critical issue. Like A..holes everyone’s got a brain.

    But one that would support that floods in South Dunedin were caused by “Climate Change” or “Global warming” it could be suggested needs to have another look at the emanations or emissions from his own brain rather than posturing in front of a plastic one.

    • Hype O'Thermia

      Gurglars, “….rather than posturing in front of a plastic one” – he’s a career politician, launched himself in student politics and is working every hard at visibility. Social media, tick – currently right-on topics only, nothing personal or potentially embarrassing – you know the type – highly focussed, ambitious, determined, and certain that what they have to offer is good for NZ. Rather like Helen Clark.
      Better than those who seek power to further their own opportunities even if it means crapping on common voters, though.

  3. Lyndon Weggery

    I am extremely disappointed that Councillor Hawkins has chosen to have Andrew Whiley on because in my understanding Councillor Whiley is a lot nearer the truth in his reflective appreciation of the real causes of the 3 June 2015 flooding of South Dunedin. This is certainly no way to behave to win our votes in October!!!

    • Elizabeth

      If Hawkins stands in the rural ward you won’t be able to vote for him anyway. Leave Steve Walker and Greenie friends to do that. Also means no one rural will get their roads and infrastructure championed.

      • Hype O'Thermia

        The ward system SUCKS. Gives representation to those areas – like heck it does. Get a “business friendly” councillor and business friendship is in “Get a room!” territory before you can say knife. Talking of knives, the non- [business, greenie or whatever] section of voters then have to watch their backs and endure cuts to the services that matter to them.
        And the rest of us can’t vote for those councillors even if they look better than the town ones, which some of them, sometimes, undoubtedly are.
        Comprehensive unfairness. Ward system needs to be given the flick with greatest haste.

  4. Lyndon Weggery

    Would that be why he has shifted to Port Chalmers? And hopes to replace Andrew Noone????

  5. Sally

    The ward system is gone, dead and buried.

  6. Elizabeth

    Dunedin City Council – Media Release
    City Care contracted for mud tank maintenance

    This item was published on 04 Mar 2016

    City Care has been contracted to carry out a full clean of every mud tank in South Dunedin as well as providing information about the condition of the mud tanks. The work, which involves inspecting and cleaning over 1500 mud tanks in South Dunedin and the surrounding area, starts on Monday and will be carried out 12 hours a day over a period of about a month.
    DCC General Manager Infrastructure and Networks Ruth Stokes says, the work should provide added confidence to residents that all tanks have been recently cleaned as we head into autumn.

    “We have chosen City Care to complete a full clean of every mud tank in South Dunedin, including jetting all pipe lines. City Care has been chosen because they have existing asset information systems that easily integrate with ours. We apologise to residents for any disturbance the work may cause, but we need the information about the tanks in readiness for our retendering process for the new financial year.”

    Mrs Stokes says DCC roading maintenance contractor Fulton Hogan will be concentrating on maintaining mud tanks in the rest of the city network. She says the focus is on ensuring the maintenance work is completed in plenty of time before winter.

    “However, we may also carry out a further clean of the mud tanks after leaf drop but before winter fully sets in to ensure the network is maintained.”

    Contact [Ruth Stokes] General Manager Infrastructure and Networks, Dunedin City Council on 477 4000.

    DCC Link

  7. Elizabeth

    While the media release is now rather dated, we congratulate the General Manager Infrastructure and Networks on avoidance of a lynching for FH.

  8. Hype O'Thermia

    Mmmm, nobody took money for NOT doing the work they were paid for, no no indeed no.
    Move right along, folks. Nothing to see here.

  9. Gurglars

    There was always far more than a grain of truth in Aesop’s Fables.

    You have saved the DCC a fortune, Calvin, in that they will only need to copy this instead of creating a Flowchart for staffing. However, if they add a Flowchart manager, off we go again on the staffing gravy train!

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