NZ Listener 16.1.16 (letter): South Dunedin #Jun2015flood

(page 4)

Listener 16.1.16 Letter Russell Garbutt p4 (1)

█ For more information, enter the term *flood* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


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4 responses to “NZ Listener 16.1.16 (letter): South Dunedin #Jun2015flood

  1. Elizabeth

    Pleased to read this letter at the NZ Listener with its wide circulation.

    In short, experienced engineers and surveyors familiar with the build of the Portobello Road Stormwater Pumping Station consider it is designed to withstand the type of weather event experienced on 3 June 2015, with the proviso that the surrounding drainage system is always well maintained and subject to timely upgrades.

    Bruce Hendry was unable to access DCC logs for the pumping station for some considerable period despite his requests.

    The WWS council report received by elected representatives on 30 November 2015 had been delayed for some weeks.

    That report requires independent peer review by a suitably qualified engineer(s) whose selection is mutually acceptable to the interested parties and stakeholders inside and outside DCC; drafting of the peer review report should involve consultation of all parties who formally register to DCC their interest in being heard by the peer reviewer(s).

    [click to enlarge]
    DCC WWS Report 30.11.15 - Fig 3 Stormwater Catchment Boundaries 1

  2. Gurglars

    I wonder what severe climactic event Sue Bidrose and Dave Cull are awaiting to broadcast the flood report!

    Or whether the whitewash requires an adequate delay so that the people concerned whom were unable to clean the mudtraps or administer the mudtrap cleaning contract will die or become speechless such that they can take the blame, the whole blame and nothing but the blame.

  3. Elizabeth

    Douglas Field Published on Jan 16, 2016
    Dreaming of flooding
    The purpose of this sketch is to bring into focus that the subterfuge of hiding behind ‘sea level rise’ to cover over the cracks in Dunedin’s governance and administration is transparently obvious in regard to the flooding event of June 2015.

    The history of sea level rise around New Zealand’s coast is well documented and is established as being gradually incremental in the order of between 150 to 200 millimetres per century. In other words well within our ability to deal with it. Internationally the figure is put in the same general level and according to one of the foremost authorities Nils Axel Morner, his data instead suggests stable, to slightly falling, sea levels. He says best estimates for future sea level changes up to the year 2100 are in the range of +5 cm ±15 cm.

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