DCC set to take away CBD car parks without Economic Impact research

SOMEBODY please work out how many individual car parks stand to be LOST from the CBD —all down to Council making things TOUGH for vehicle users in the Central City.

Starter list via Central City Plan and other developments:
(calculate how many individual car parks lost for each proposal)

1) Rerouting of SH1 one-way through Warehouse area and Queens Gardens ?
2) New segregated cycleways on SH1 one-way system from Warehouse area to North Dunedin ?
3) Pedestrianisation affecting Octagon, lower Stuart St and sections of George St ?
4) Hotel and apartment building, Filleul St/Moray Place ?
5) ORC Headquarters for Dowling St Carpark ? [a great site for ACC]
6) ACC office building for Frederick St Carpark ?
7) New Hospital, block bounded by Cumberland, Frederick, Castle and Hanover Sts ?
8) ORC bus hub (interchange) for Great King St and vicinity ?
9) Other ???

DCC Webmap or Google Earth will give the relative range of car park numbers. A quick sum will do.

Mayor Cull might wonder why there’s little or no “growth” likely for Dunedin.

Apart from lack of on street car parking, another starter : the city’s ‘health and position’ is undermined by the degraded Aurora power network that offers NO security of supply ahead. What does this mean for Businesses and Ratepayers via increased Rates and Line Charges, how many Business and Ratepayer defaults ??

After 25-30 years of deliberate neglect to the Aurora network, striving for “economic development” at Dunedin is nigh “Mission Impossible”.

DCC can’t afford to bring the Aurora network up to compliance —as Mayor Cull was told last Tuesday in a private meeting, it will cost a Billion Dollars to do renewals in Dunedin and Central Otago (not counting new build facilities to meet demand in Central Otago).

DCC are well and truly caught with their pants down.

THE BEST THING Central Otago people can do is buy their power network. Once made Safe, their network will generate revenue for expansion across CODC and QLDC growth areas ….Leaving sorry old Dunedin to an impecunious spiral of doom and disaster. How to rid the Dunedin millstone should be uppermost in Central Otago leaders’ minds right now.

dcc-webmap-dcc-owned-frederick-st-carpark-janfeb-2013DCC Webmap – Frederick St Carpark JanFeb 2013 (highlighted)

dcc-webmap-dunedin-hospital-and-university-health-sciences-janfeb-2013DCC Webmap – Dunedin Hospital and University health sciences JanFeb 2013

The Mayor and Councillors might think it’s AOK to skip out of an agreement with Southern Partnership Group, the Government-appointed hospital rebuild group…. SDHB and University of Otago had hoped to coordinate their future use of Frederick St carpark; it was a practical and logical proposal for university health sciences and the hospital precinct. Until…. the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) came along, with DCC then deciding to go for a quick buck. Why didn’t DCC offer ACC the Dowling St carpark, instead ? —a better centrally located construction site for the Corporation office building would be hard to find, one that could include public parking on its lower levels (and say BYE to ‘ORC imperialism’).

Squirrelling the Frederick St plum to ACC is the dumbest thing this Council could do. Student graduates – if that is the Mayor’s excuse for the Frederick St debacle – are quite capabable of walking to Queens Gardens for future employ.

Really, there never was a more useless ineffectual Southern town on the map. It has every deterrent sign needed for raccoons and new business. Tumbleweeds, cloned by Mayor Cull.


But wait.

Is Southern Partnership Group running scared after finding out how much it costs (a massive sum) to deal to Aurora’s transformer installation located inside the block bounded by Cumberland, Frederick, Castle and Hanover Sts – first site option for the hospital rebuild ?

The network facility comprises old transformers that could blow at any time. Of poor design, the transformers are not isolated from each other : if one transformer blows, they all do. To fuel the fireball, the transformers sit in a pool of oil. The cost to replace or relocate the facility is enough to ‘blow’ the hospital rebuild budget.

OTHER site options for the hospital rebuild rapidly gather impetus.


wakari-hospital-affinityservices-co-nz-1Wakari Hospital [affinityservices.co.nz]

The “somewhere else” option is likely to be Wakari Hospital.
No final decisions will be made until 2018.

### ODT Online Sat, 17 Dec 2016
Hospital may be relocated
By Eileen Goodwin
The Government is considering shifting Dunedin Hospital away from Great King St. A “long list” of site options for the $300 million hospital rebuild includes shifting “all hospital facilities” to a different part of the city. While there has long been speculation about another site, the possibility was revealed in a press statement from the Government-appointed rebuild group. Southern Partnership Group chairman Andrew Blair declined to release the long-list document to the Otago Daily Times, saying it was a “work in progress” … The list was written by consultants, the Ministry of Health, the Southern District Health Board and the partnership group.
Read more

[click to enlarge]
google-earth-wakari-hospital-context-2016-mapgoogle-earth-wakari-hospital-3d-2016Google Earth – Wakari Hospital 2016


If the public hospital was to move from the CBD…..
IMPACTS include:

● Reduced Inner City Vibrancy
● Less Easy Repore and Connection with University of Otago Health Sciences, including Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
● Less Opportunity for NEW Complementary Business Activity/Support in CBD
● Loss of existing Complementary Business Activity and Support in CBD
● Potentially, (ahem) MORE carparks available in the CBD !!
● Distance/Isolation Problem for Hospital patients, their families and supports
● Distance/Isolation Problem for Hospital shift staff between their place of work, homes and CBD
Etc Etc.


ACC given 12-month exclusive due diligence period with view to buying Frederick St Carpark to build multi-storey building. DCC reneged on previous undertaking to earmark site for Dunedin Hospital redevelopment.

ODT: Councillors ‘railroaded’ into carpark decision
Dunedin city councillors were “railroaded” into their decision about the Frederick St car park, and given inadequate information about the risk of pulling out, Cr Lee Vandervis says. Cr Vandervis has taken issue with the Dunedin City Council for presenting the decision last week as “unanimous”, and the council has admitted that was wrong. […] The discussion and decision were held behind closed doors, and councillors were prevented from speaking publicly. Two councillors – Andrew Whiley and Damian Newell – were informally reprimanded for speaking to the Otago Daily Times about the deal. Cont/


University of Otago Chief Operating Officer Stephen Willis says proposed ACC building in the middle of area envisaged for health and education precinct. “You’ve got the two book-end anchor institutes and then you bring another one right in the middle that has nothing really to do with health, education, or research.”

ODT: DCC’s ACC building deal criticised
Reneging on an undertaking to earmark a strategic piece of land for the Dunedin Hospital rebuild has undermined the city’s two leading institutions, former Dunedin City councillor Hilary Calvert says. Ms Calvert has criticised the decision to give the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) an exclusive 12-month period to explore options for the Frederick St car park. The council had earlier said it would earmark the site for the health precinct envisaged by the University of Otago. The precinct depends on  Government decisions on the $300 million hospital rebuild, which will not be made until 2018. Cont/


ODT: Council backs off land deal
The Dunedin City Council has backed out of its undertaking to allow the Frederick St car park to be used for the $300 million redevelopment of Dunedin Hospital. Instead, the site has been promised to the Accident Compensation Corporation, which is considering consolidating its operations to a proposed multi-storey building there. “That was then,” Mayor Dave Cull said of the council’s change of heart since October when it said the land was earmarked for the hospital. […] ACC has a significant presence in the city, with about 430 roles across the three sites. Cont/


ODT: Upgrade on hold till land swap clearer
A planned $8.1 million refurbishment of Hayward College has been postponed because the residential hall might be part of a land-swap with the Southern District Health Board so the area can be used for the Dunedin Hospital rebuild. Yesterday, the University of Otago confirmed it had put off the refurbishment until next year so that it does not go ahead while the Frederick St building’s future is unclear. Cont/


“We are aware that it might be important, and that’s why we’re having discussions with them to make sure that we don’t do anything that rules out any use for the site.” –Sue Bidrose, DCC

ODT: Health precinct mooted
Dunedin Hospital could be partly rebuilt on land owned by the University of Otago and become part of a university health precinct under a potential land swap. The university has confirmed it is willing to consider a land swap, whereby it  would own the clinical services building. The Dunedin City Council confirmed it has earmarked the Frederick St car park as a potential part of the plan. The university owns land in the Fraser building block, and on two other sides of the hospital campus. If approved by the Government, it could remove the logistical headache of building on a cramped clinical site. The first business case will go to the Cabinet next year, followed by a detailed one in 2018. Cont/


ODT: Green light for $8m cycleways
Construction could begin this year on Dunedin’s $8 million separated cycleways along the city’s one-way system. The New Zealand Transport Agency, which will fund the work, has signed off on a detailed business case setting out the need and basic design of the cycleways. They will be separated from traffic by concrete kerbing and will run along the right-hand side of both the northbound and southbound one-way routes. […] While car parking issues were a potential negative, business owners along the route had offered clever and positive ideas about how those problems could be minimised. Converting the council’s Frederick St car park to a multistorey facility was also “on our radar”, Cr Wilson said. Cont/


ODT: DCC mulls Frederick St development
A multi-storey development housing parking and businesses is being considered for the Dunedin City Council-owned Frederick St car park site. A report sent to councillors this week reveals council staff have already had discussions with several parties interested, as tenants or developers, in a development on the site. The report discusses three options for a separated cycle lane through the central city, and a parking study done in the area. It also considers possible ways to mitigate the potential loss of car parks – the major public concern about any new lanes – including possibly providing more commercial parking, such as a parking building. If the council chooses to provide about 100 extra parks on side streets as suggested, the total number of car parks lost to the lane would range from between 80 and 284 under the various options. Cont/


ODT: Council seeks $15 million portfolio boost
The Dunedin City Council is sitting on a half-billion-dollar property empire, but the man charged with managing it has big plans to expand … [City Property manager Robert Clark] was appointed to his post in late 2008 … Mr Clark was eyeing several potential projects in Dunedin, including a partnership with an interested private developer to build a $15 million hotel and car-park complex, or one of several variations, on the council’s Dowling St car park. Other plans included an $8 million four-storey car park and retail complex on the existing Frederick St car park. Neither project had been signed off by councillors, but both were expected to be considered later this year, with a possibility one, but not both, would proceed. Cont/

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

This post is offered in the public interest.


Filed under Business, Construction, DCC, Dunedin, Economics, Electricity, Finance, Geography, Health, Infrastructure, Media, OAG, Ombudsman, Perversion, Pet projects, Politics, Project management, Property, Proposed 2GP, Public interest, Resource management, SDHB, Site, Stadiums, Town planning, Transportation, Travesty, University of Otago, Urban design, What stadium

24 responses to “DCC set to take away CBD car parks without Economic Impact research

  1. lyndon weggery

    Very good post Elizabeth.That’S why I am so angry with these Councillors who rabbit on about “growth” in the City ignoring the obvious defects with the Infrastructure. How reliable is your source about what Cull was told in the private meeting?

  2. Calvin Oaten

    The Green light has been given to the one way cycle facility. Cr Kate Wilson is ecstatic, and says “the Frederick St Parking building is also on their radar”. Where has she been? Doesn’t she know the site was first promised to the hospital rebuild requirements, then the latest is its being promised to ACC to build a multistorey building on it. These were utterances by Mayor Dave Cull. She must have been tailing or shearing on those days, and hasn’t read her paperwork since. Not surprising. Apart from all that, what of parking now? Is it just kind of forgotten. Around a couple of hundred parks go for the cycleway in the hospital precinct which were to be made up for by the Frederick St parking building. Now it’s being promised to the ACC for their use. Of course there is now the question of finance to do anything for parking. NZTA cares not a fig for the parking, else they wouldn’t even be putting the cycleway on that route. We won’t even mention money, Aurora’s issues with the budgetary problems it will no doubt cause. Wouldn’t it simplify the whole business if the cycle way was canned or at least put along some back streets like Leith or Clyde Sts. Sure it’s a bit further out but cyclists are fit types so what’s the problem?

    • Elizabeth

      Calvin, as documented, the cycleway through town is no use if it’s not a direct route. If non direct (see roading hierarchy) then no NZTA subsidy will happen meaning DCC can’t pick up the full cost itself. Simple maths.

  3. Hype O'Thermia

    The DCC appears to think that people who currently arrive in the CBD will continue to come into the CBD despite no longer being welcome unless they walk, cycle or arrive by bus.
    The ones who work there will, they have to turn up.
    Though the fewer of the rest of us do, the fewer of them will be needed, or needed There – businesses relocate to where they can do business, or give up bricks and mortar altogether and migrate online as do their clients.

    Who needs ideological terrorists when you can elect ideological nutcases, who then appoint self-interested ethically substandard wallies & get the same result without the inconvenience of UN attention? Wreck infrastructure slowly – tick. Economic attacks >> city on the bones of its bum – tick.

    What’s so good about being f*cked over by any group, anyway? Overseas it looks like in general 25 to 50 percent, probably more, get nothing but grief from it. Dunedin’s way, a much higher proportion get no good out of it.

  4. Hype O'Thermia

    Meanwhile through a Looking Glass located on another planet:
    ODT reports: “Stadium gaining traction”
    Dunedin Venues marketing manager Kim Barnes and chief executive Terry Davies are pleased…
    This has been a good year for Dunedin Venues, chief executive Terry Davies says.


  5. Mike

    I see the ACC car park decision as kind of the nail in the coffin for the physio pool – if that space isn’t available to the hospital (and they don’t move from that site), they’ll want to tear down the physio pool as part of their rebuilding.

    Given that the ACC office is not open to the public there’s no real reason for them to have a centrally situated site – in fact if the need to expand Carisbrook might well be a better option.

    As far as DVML are concerned it’s great to hear that things are going so terribly well, it means we can stop paying all those subsidies to them next year.

  6. Hype O'Thermia

    Precisely what I was thinking, Mike. It would be a belated gesture of faith in South Dunedin if the ACC building were located out that part of town. And as for the physio pool….

    People today think the DCC has been s-l-o-w to do anything about a toilet for Baldwin Street. They don’t know slow! It took years and years and *years* for the DCC to acknowledge Baldwin St at all. It hadn’t been developed by one of their attraction managers so pzzzzbt, raspberries to Baldwin Street. Alas, People knew about it. World’s steepest street, so they straggled and drove slowly looking for sign posts. Pzzzzbt! we didn’t invent it so we’re not putting up signposts, nyah nyah.

    They didn’t invent the Physio Pool either, they don’t have a manager or coordinator with “Physio Pool” anywhere in their job description and photo-ops in the beautifully proportioned pool building.

  7. Gurglars

    I ran Chisholm Links for twelve years, I asked the DCC to place a road sign to advertise the location of the golf links they owned.

    The answer-

    Oh we could not do that, what about the other courses (which they did not own and had no International redeeming features)

    What one must understand is the DCC is a business of stoppers, in order to give them a job, or goers if they can run at a loss (to give them a job) so the Stadium, the Chinese Garden, the Toitu Museum, Delta, Aurora, DVML, the Taieri Railway must make losses. If they make profits intelligent, active, smart and employable persons will be attracted to them and the incumbents will be down the road.

    It is what is called Quixotic, it is better to be Don Quixote, a failure and keep your job tilting at windmills than be a nonentity and have no position.

    Unfortunately we have had a large number of Don Quixotes jostling for position.

    Dave Cull de Mayor
    Graham can’t count poles Crombie
    Grady best in Deloitte’s show Cameron
    Steve Deloitte’s are in everything Thompson
    Stuart I’m out of here just in time McLauchlan
    Athol put it in a financial instrument no one can understand Stephens
    Richard $900 per hour Thomson
    Andrew caddied once Wylie
    David Tennis —- Pope
    Kate Cycleways with no cyclists Wilson

    And the best money loser of all:

    Terry the stadium is more popular (with me) Davies

    Imagine running a business success annual competition in Dunedin!

    Just which one of those above would you nominate as a winner of the greatest f*whit prize, who would get the wooden spoon and who would be a recipient of the Trump – You’re Fired moniker or win the title of the biggest loser.

    It’s probably the hardest call of the year, but someone’s got to do it and it might as well be you.

  8. Tadpole

    Drain the swamp

  9. pb

    Interesting position on how minorities take over:

    View at Medium.com

    It covers how peanuts are disappearing from our world, due to an intolerant few.

    The lack of peanuts in general society then cascades the intolerance everywhere, in time.

    In order to reject the alarmist whining minority, we must relearn intolerance or we (the West) risk committing suicide.

    I think it is manifested in rejecting the politically correct, with firmness, with courage.

  10. Hype O'Thermia

    Tolerance is good, but it needs to be reciprocal otherwise it turns into something else. Wishywashiness. Doormats. Magnet for bullies.
    Another thing, “taking offence” needs to be struck out as a blackmail tactic forcing other people to change. Harden up, take a concrete pill, you say potato and I say potaato and if you’d rather eat rice or noodles that’s OK too.
    Taking offence has become such a strong weapon that it needs regulating, like firearms. Beating other people over the head with accusations that they caused hurt feelings – that’s just wrong.

    Note the use of the word “shaming”. Shaming is “bad”, apparently, and there’s no end to the range of ways people can now be shamed for “shaming”. Yet shame is something that can only be felt, not imposed.

    This is not to say that being cruel in word or deed to people who are different from the norm of our own subgroup is OK, it’s not. Giving peanut cookies to someone who is allergic is bad to the point of evil, but it’s likewise the responsibility of those who are allergic to learn at the earliest possible age to speak up, query and avoid. It’s not the world’s duty to eliminate peanuts. And so on.

    Totalitarian principle. In The Once and Future King, author T. H. White proposed the opposite as the rule of totalitarianism: “Everything which is not forbidden is compulsory.” This quote has been suggested as a principle of physics and has been used to describe totalitarian societies such as North Korea.

  11. Elizabeth

    ███ Lyndon – please provide Facebook link before your comment can be released for publication. -Site Admin [IP]

    • Lyndon Weggery

      Elizabeth – this is copied and pasted from Richard’s own facebook. I was seeking his clarification on the $1B figure. Hope this is helpful.

      {Hi Lyndon, at what post, note or or comment of Richard’s? : To provide the link(s) click on the date/time below your name in your originary comment. Preference is to link to online material so our readers can read the context of same. Otherwise, we don’t generally accept to publish. Copy and paste link(s) to What if? -Eds}

      {It appears we can’t see those comments because we’re not ‘Friends’. What if? Dunedin and the Admins operate in public domain only at Facebook. -Eds}

  12. Elizabeth

    Tony Clear’s letter attracts facile answer from DCC

    ODT 28.12.16 (page 12)


  13. Hype O'Thermia

    Do you get puzzled by DCC manage-persons’ replies to ODT Letters to Ed, the way I do?
    Are they deliberately fudging & fannying, burbling off-topic to avoid telling the truth at the same time as avoiding saying anything that could later be shown up as lies? [aka the Bev Butler risk management policy, don’t ask, it was printed on rice paper and each new employee was watched till they read and swallowed]
    Or are they unable to grasp the point of the letter but doing their best with puny infotellectual resources?

  14. Elizabeth

    ACC throwing its weight around while DCC sells us (including the SDHB and University) out.

    Tue, 10 Jan 2017
    ODT: Tenders invited for planning ACC building
    The Accident Compensation Corporation is calling for contractors to help develop plans for a new multistorey building in Dunedin. In the call for tenders to develop the project, ACC says construction of the new building on the Dunedin City Council-owned Frederick St car park would need to be completed and the building ready for occupation by June 2019.
    “ACC Investments wishes to proceed with the detailed design, specification and documentation of the development in order to achieve this deadline, however will focus the initial aspects of this work on examining the commercial feasibility of the proposal,” it says on the Government’s tendering website. Cont/


  15. Elizabeth

    At Facebook [photo present at ‘The’ Facebook page if you want to read car regos]:

    [ODT link to photo removed – click on the box to view at ODT Online. -Eds]

    Thu, 2 Feb 2017
    ODT: Council ‘hypocritical’ over parking positions
    The Dunedin City Council is being slammed by residents who say it has a double standard when it comes to parking. Dunedin residents Jill Dalwood and Charmaine Mundy made the claim in response to the Otago Daily Times report on Dunedin woman Zoe Cook, who was issued a ticket for $60 for parking her Honda Jazz at the end of Albany St, located within 6m of the intersection with Queen St. Mrs Dalwood and Mrs Mundy drew attention to how the council had provided metered parks, outlined with white paint, closer than 6m to an intersection. Cont/

    NZ Transport Agency spokesman Andy Knackstedt said the New Zealand Road Code prohibited parking within 6m of an intersection, unless the road controlling authority has installed signs or markings authorising parking.

    Related Post and Comments:
    26.1.17 SH1 Cycleway : Carnage for Dunedin road users and city parking

  16. Elizabeth

    Tue, 7 Feb 2017
    ODT: Uni lacks 400 park spaces
    The University of Otago’s massive building programme has left it 400 parking spaces short and some staff are having to wait five years for a designated park. The strain on parking has proved so great the university has contracted a consultant to review its parking arrangements. […] The issue was addressed by the university last week in a submission at the Dunedin City Council’s second-generation district plan (2GP) hearings and on its news site. Under a council agreement the university was required to have 2201 parks for staff and students, but because of the building work going on it had a deficit of about 400. While the university had always reached the target, it acknowledged on its internal news site it was now “struggling”, which could lead to the council charging the university at least $7000 for each park below the total. Cont/

  17. Hype O'Thermia

    It’s not finished yet, the University’s cunning plan.
    Remember the hospital in Yes Minister that functioned perfectly – it wasn’t open for patients? OU is on its way to similar perfection, a property ownership business paying no rates, running half a dozen courses targeted at the most lucrative markets and flexible enough to turn on a dime if course demand falls off or the student money is better from a different overseas country. And of course “restructured” to the point where there are just the right number of staff for the car parks.

  18. Elizabeth

    meanwhile in Christchurch………………

    At Twitter:

  19. Elizabeth

    Further to the ACC/DCC Frederick St carpark story…..

    Thu, 25 May 2017
    ODT: ACC boost for Dunedin
    By David Loughrey
    Dunedin is set to pick up more than 40 new jobs if a proposed move of the Accident Compensation Corporation from northern centres goes ahead. The proposed move has been hailed as “just great news” by Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull, who said it was testimony to the reliability of the Dunedin workforce. It has gone down less well in Wellington and Auckland, which would lose their ACC centres, and the Public Service Association (PSA) said it was “surprised and disappointed” by the news. ACC already has a significant presence in Dunedin, with about 430 roles across three sites. Cont/


    There is underground news that car parks at Frederick St will not be lost. Watch this space.

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