Tag Archives: Stadium SUBSIDIES

CELEBRATE !!! Greater Dunedin has DIED #boombustcycle

It has not quite gone to Hell, alas.

ODT editor Barry Stewart on tonight’s 39 Dunedin News, announed Greater Dunedin has ended.

This doesn’t mean the people from that popped cycle tyre won’t stand individually.

The reign of Incompetent Spending Terror continues.

But it’s a start. More spurning please.

[HUGE PITY] Dave Cull is running for Mayor again.

Who are they ???
● Dave Cull
● Chris Staynes
● Richard Thomson
● Kate Wilson
● Mike Lord
● Jinty MacTavish

Greater Dunedin caucus arrivesPhoto (retitled): The Greater Dunedin caucus leaves

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Carisbrook, Citifleet, Climate change, Concerts, Construction, Corruption, Cycle network, DCC, Delta, Democracy, District Plan, Dunedin, DVL, DVML, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Events, Geography, Highlanders, Hot air, Hotel, Infrastructure, Media, Name, New Zealand, Ngai Tahu, NZRU, NZTA, OAG, Offshore drilling, Ombudsman, ORFU, Otago Polytechnic, People, Perversion, Pet projects, Police, Politics, Pools, Project management, Property, Proposed 2GP, Resource management, Site, South Dunedin, Sport, Stadiums, Tourism, Town planning, Transportation, Travesty, University of Otago, Urban design

DCC on latest financial results

Benefits being massage therapist [ehowcdn.com] 1Don’t take it lying down, not yet

Dunedin City Council – Media Release
Financial Rating Outlook Remains Stable

This item was published on 04 Dec 2014

The Dunedin City Council has maintained its financial rating. In a Research Update released today, Standard and Poor’s (S & P) has affirmed the AA long-term and A-1+ short-term issuer credit ratings.
DCC Group Chief Financial Officer Grant McKenzie says it is pleasing to have the rating affirmed. “This reflects the ongoing work by elected members and staff to limit operational spending and reduce debt levels.”
In its 2014 update, S & P states the ratings reflect its view of New Zealand’s extremely predictable and supportive institutional framework, plus Dunedin’s strong financial management and very strong budgetary performance. “The stable outlook reflects our expectations that Dunedin will continue to manage its financial position in line with our forecasts.”

█ S & P is expected to release its full report in about a week.

Contact Grant McKenzie, Group Chief Financial Officer on 03 474 3849.
DCC Link



### dunedintv.co.nz December 4, 2014 – 5:43pm
DCC coming in under budget in latest financial results
As the year draws to a close, the city council’s latest financial results are being analysed. Overall things are looking good for the council, with many expenses coming in under budget. But the favourable accounts have highlighted a problem with one particular service.

Related Posts and Comments:
3.12.14 Cycling at Dunedin —boring debate, network spending continues #DUD
26.11.14 Cr Hilary Calvert, an embarrassment
21.11.14 Stadium Review: Mayor Cull exposed
19.11.14 Forsyth Barr Stadium Review
15.11.14 Stadium #TotalFail

3.11.14 DCC: What happened to $20 million cash on hand? #LGOIMA
[DCC refuses to answer, processing . . . ]

23.8.14 DCC public finance forum 12.8.14 (ten slides)
5.7.14 DCC’s debt level — who do you believe?
17.12.13 DCC, Dunedin City Treasury and 3 big banks [Interest Rate Swaps]

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

*Image: ehowcdn.com – Benefits being massage therapist


Filed under Business, DCC, DCHL, DCTL, Delta, Democracy, DVL, DVML, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Hot air, Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Politics, Project management, Property, Site, Sport, Stadiums, What stadium