Tag Archives: Anti oil and gas

CELEBRATE !!! Greater Dunedin has DIED #boombustcycle

It has not quite gone to Hell, alas.

ODT editor Barry Stewart on tonight’s 39 Dunedin News, announed Greater Dunedin has ended.

This doesn’t mean the people from that popped cycle tyre won’t stand individually.

The reign of Incompetent Spending Terror continues.

But it’s a start. More spurning please.

[HUGE PITY] Dave Cull is running for Mayor again.

Who are they ???
● Dave Cull
● Chris Staynes
● Richard Thomson
● Kate Wilson
● Mike Lord
● Jinty MacTavish

Greater Dunedin caucus arrivesPhoto (retitled): The Greater Dunedin caucus leaves

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Carisbrook, Citifleet, Climate change, Concerts, Construction, Corruption, Cycle network, DCC, Delta, Democracy, District Plan, Dunedin, DVL, DVML, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Events, Geography, Highlanders, Hot air, Hotel, Infrastructure, Media, Name, New Zealand, Ngai Tahu, NZRU, NZTA, OAG, Offshore drilling, Ombudsman, ORFU, Otago Polytechnic, People, Perversion, Pet projects, Police, Politics, Pools, Project management, Property, Proposed 2GP, Resource management, Site, South Dunedin, Sport, Stadiums, Tourism, Town planning, Transportation, Travesty, University of Otago, Urban design