Tag Archives: Black Power

DCC contractor Black Power president Albert Epere and his crew all in jail

News came from ‘associates’ last week that all members of Mauri Kohatu Incorporated – contracted by Dunedin City Council to maintain some city greenspaces – were now in jail, including Black Power president Albert Epere.


The mayor and his council acolytes had previously put themselves on the record saying “the council supported social contracting”. Meaning Dunedin ratepayers were paying the gang members to continue their usual nefarious lifestyles.

Epere made at least four court appearances during the contract(s) period.

We note there has been no public statement from the city council since the jailings.


█ For more, enter the term *albert epere* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

This post is offered in the public interest.


Filed under Business, DCC, Dunedin, Hot air, Name, New Zealand, People, Perversion, Pet projects, Police, Politics, Project management, Property, Public interest, Travesty

Epere on driving charges, now faces drugs charges after police raid

From: Hamish McNeilly [Fairfax Dunedin Bureau Chief]
Sent: Wednesday, 16 December 2015 6:16 p.m.
To: Elizabeth Kerr
Subject: So Albert Epere on drug raid. See my earlier links

Gang member loses gardening contract with Dunedin Council after arrested for speeding
By Hamish McNeilly Last updated 17:11, December 16 2015
A gang member has lost his contract to maintain Dunedin’s public gardens after he was arrested for racing on a state highway. In October, the Dunedin City Council awarded Mauri Kohatu Incorporated, a $52,000 trial contract to maintain some city greenspaces until June 30, 2016. […] In a statement issued late Wednesday, the council said it suspended its trial social procurement contract with Mauri Kohatu after becoming aware of Epere’s alleged offending on Monday.

Man arrested after police raid on Dunedin gang pad
By Hamish McNeilly Last updated 13:45, December 16 2015
Armed police took part in an early morning raid of a Dunedin gang house. Police raided a Pine Hill Rd property on Wednesday morning and arrested a 49-year-old man. The property was understood to be connected with Black Power.

Related Posts and Comments:
14.12.15 Epere arrested
13.10.15 Stuff: DCC to pay Epere $37 an hour
12.10.15 alfred e cull
11.10.15 DCC: Numpty – Cull – Epere
6.10.15 DCC suckered by Black Power leader
9.3.15 DCC patched: How NZ Herald sells our “story” #gangs
8.7.14 DCC: Mayor Cull and council staff consort with criminal gangs

█ Embarrassing for Dave Cull, Sue Bidrose, Rebecca Williams and all the uninformed Do-gooder councillors and staff at Dunedin City Council who wanted to throw ratepayers’ money at criminal gangs.

rebecca and mad hatter cull with black power menber parts 1 and 2 [371100] Douglas Field 16.12.15 (1)Douglas Field 16 Dec 2015 [click to enlarge]

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Dunedin, Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Police, Politics, Project management, Property

Epere arrested

Link received from Hamish McNeilly
14/12/2015 3:32 pm (GMT+12:00)

### Stuff.co.nz Last updated 13:51 14/12/2015
Gang member on Dunedin City Council contract arrested for driving incident
By Hamish McNeilly
A gang member who secured a $52,000 contract with the Dunedin City Council has been arrested after an alleged driving incident. Police were called by concerned motorists following reports two southbound vehicles were passing on double yellow lines south of Palmerston, about 5pm on Sunday.
The vehicles – a 2008 black Holden Commodore Clubsport and a blue 2000 Holden Commodore Berlina, each containing two adults and three children – allegedly reached speeds up to 150kmh as they passed each other.
Officers pulled over the two vehicles near the Dunedin suburb of Pine Hill, and arrested the two male drivers, aged 49 and 50. […] One of the drivers involved was understood to be Albert Epere.
Read more

Related Posts and Comments:
13.10.15 Stuff: DCC to pay Epere $37 an hour
12.10.15 alfred e cull
11.10.15 DCC: Numpty – Cull – Epere
6.10.15 DCC suckered by Black Power leader
9.3.15 DCC patched: How NZ Herald sells our “story” #gangs
8.7.14 DCC: Mayor Cull and council staff consort with criminal gangs

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Democracy, Dunedin, Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Police, Politics, Project management

Stuff: DCC to pay Epere $37 an hour

### Stuff.co.nz Last updated 11:41, October 13 2015
Gang member’s council contract: $37 an hour and no patches allowed
By Hamish McNeilly
A gang member will be paid $37 an hour and forbidden to wear gang regalia as part of a Dunedin City Council weed control contract. […] Black Power member Albert Epere would control weeds, litter and maintain paths at six Dunedin sites until June 30, 2016. A copy reveals the $52,000 plus GST contract was based on a 30-hour working week with a fee schedule of $37 an hour.
Read more
man-with-lawn-mower [lantapix via 123rf.com] 1

Related Posts and Comments:
12.10.15 alfred e cull
11.10.15 DCC: Numpty – Cull – Epere
6.10.15 DCC suckered by Black Power leader
9.3.15 DCC patched: How NZ Herald sells our “story” #gangs
8.7.14 DCC: Mayor Cull and council staff consort with criminal gangs

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

*Image: lantapix via 123rf.com – man with lawn mower


Filed under Business, DCC, Democracy, Economics, Media, Name, New Zealand, OAG, Ombudsman, People, Politics, Project management, Property, Site

DCC: Numpty – Cull – Epere

Received from Douglas Field
Sun, 11 Oct 2015 at 10:34 a.m.

Numpty - Cull- Epere

Pip’s comment. The sock puppet, Dave, with ‘friends’.
[click to enlarge]

Related Posts and Comments:
6.10.15 DCC suckered by Black Power leader
9.3.15 DCC patched: How NZ Herald sells our “story” #gangs
8.7.14 DCC: Mayor Cull and council staff consort with criminal gangs

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

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DCC suckered by Black Power leader

blackpower2 [3news.co.nz] 1Photo (detail) by Ross Setford via 3news.co.nz

Received from Gavin Bartle
Tue, 6 Oct 2015 at 10:51 a.m.

On 6/10/15 10:20 am, “Gavin Bartle” wrote:

Dear elected representatives, [DCC]

Today I read with horror an ODT article that DCC is channeling ratepayer funds to an active senior member of an organised criminal group.

I’m not sure what kind of game you all think your playing, but is an absolutely unacceptable use of rates money.

This man, Albert Epere, is a current and active member of a vile violent group of thugs that prey on honest Dunedin citizens, he is in no way reformed or renounced his criminal associations.

This funding must be stopped and the contract terminated, the staff who allowed this must be instructed not to be so foolish again.


Gavin Bartle

From: Lee Vandervis
Date: 6 October 2015 at 10:44
Subject: Re: rates money funnelled to organised crime
To: Gavin Bartle

Hi Gavin.

That I agree with you, is suggested by my request for information today as below.

Kind regards,

—— Forwarded Message
From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 09:29:43 +1300
To: Sue Bidrose, Sandy Graham, Andrew Noone, Andrew Whiley, Chris Staynes, Doug Hall, Hilary Calvert, John Bezett, Jinty MacTavish, Kate Wilson, Lee Vandervis, Mayor Cull, Mike Lord, Neville Peat, Richard Thomson, David Benson-Pope, Aaron Hawkins
Conversation: Gangster’s DCC Contract – LGOIMA requests for information
Subject: Gangster’s DCC Contract – LGOIMA requests for information

Dear Sue, Sandy, and Mayor Cull,

Who made the actual decision to award a $52,500 DCC Contract to a gang leader outside of the contractual requirements specified in our DCC Procurement documents?
Will the gang leader Mr Albert Epere be contracted to do the work personally himself, or is he contractually free to ‘arrange’ others to do the actual Contract work?
Why did Councillors not get the opportunity to debate and decide on this clearly political departure from DCC Procurement process?
Have the Audit and Risk Subcommittee given their stamp of approval to this risky departure from best Contracting practice?
Please forward a copy of the full original contract awarded to Mr Epere.

Regarding Mongrel Mob and Black Power access to DCC contracts Mayor Cull is quoted by TV3 as saying “The work is on a trial basis and the gangs would have to “satisfy” the chief executive and show they were up to the job before being awarded a contract, Mr Cull says.”

Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/nznews/mongrel-mob-and-black-power-bid-for-council-lawn-contracts-2015030913#ixzz3nj6k6e77

What has Mr Epere, leader of Black Power, done to satisfy our CEO that he is up to the job under the terms of our Procurement and Audit and Risk procedures?

Cr. Vandervis

—— End of Forwarded Message

█ 6.10.15 ODT: Gang boss secures council contract
A Black Power kingpin with multiple prison stints behind him has won a $52,500 Dunedin City Council contract to maintain several areas of the city’s public land. […] The contract was signed yesterday and covers land in Opoho, St Leonards, Abbotsford, Logan Park, Caversham Bypass and Bridge St.

Albert Epere, a patched Black Power leader has served prison terms for assault and grievous bodily harm.

Rebecca Williams [DCC] said she did not know “anything about becoming a Black Power member” and confirmed the council had not looked into what it took to become a patched gang member as part of its due diligence for the contract.

Douglas Field rebecca and mad hatter cull with black power memberRebecca and Mad Hatter Cull with Black Power member. Douglas Field (6.10.15)

█ 8.5.12 ODT: Five sentenced over Dunedin gang clash
With Epere, Ryan and Witehira, the judge acknowledged they had all been out of serious trouble since about 2003 and Epere and Witehira were now involved in organisations putting something back into the community. And Ryan had moved away from Dunedin and was taking steps to sort out his life.

Related Posts and Comments:
9.3.15 DCC patched: How NZ Herald sells our “story” #gangs
8.7.14 DCC: Mayor Cull and council staff consort with criminal gangs

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


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