Daily Archives: August 22, 2012

Martin Legge releases emails to Dunedin community #ORFU

● The Trusts Charitable Foundation (TTCF Inc) ● The Trusts Community Foundation Ltd (TTCF Ltd) ● Otago Rugby Football Union (ORFU) ● Professional Rugby ● Centre of Excellence for Amateur Sport ● Harness Racing ● Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) ● Gambling Commission ● Pokies ● Rorts ● Organised Crime ● Serious Fraud ● Political Interference

Comment received.

Martin Legge
Submitted on 2012/08/22 at 9:58 pm

I am very concerned about what Gambling Director, Maarten Quivooy is representing to the Dunedin Community.

Mr Quivooy claims to have no jurisdiction to investigate ORFU and the Centre of Excellence. He is playing you for fools – making you all believe that those two groups were your standard grant applicants just like Plunket, a local Kindergarten or some other worthy community group entitled to apply to TTCF for grants. Nothing is further from the truth.

The DIA have over many years, spent countless investigation hours, watching the abnormal money flow from South Auckland to Otago, always trying to prove ORFU’s interest in the Jokers Bars and hold those accountable. As was told to me, my testimony and documents provided the missing link for DIA.

The internal TTCF 2005 email between Hodder and the TTCF Trustees (in previous post) is pretty clear about the deal with Jokers. It refers to changes with the Jokers bars and that ORFU and Harness racing now each have a share in those bars and what each groups expectation is from the bars. There are more emails and DIA were provided with them in 2010.

This email makes it reasonably clear that ORFU did indeed have an “ownership” or “interest” in Jokers but it now seems DIA are the only ones who chose to ignore their previous concerns. Why you may ask?

Because any proof of “ownership” or “interest” in the Jokers pokie bars significantly changes things – it elevates ORFU into the legal definition of being a class 4 Venue Operator, over which DIA does have jurisdiction and a statutory obligation to act.

Even if TTCF Inc and Centre of Excellence no longer exist as entities it does not prevent DIA from holding TTCF’s Trustees to account for allowing what has occurred.
Read more + Emails

Related Post and Comments:
15.8.12 Keeping ORFU sweet [email]

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Economics, Name, ORFU, People, Politics, Project management, Property, Site, Sport

DVML: North vs South game profit/loss [email]

Copy of DVML reply to LGOIMA request received.

From: jo.scully@dunedinvenues.co.nz
To: bevkiwi@hotmail.com
Subject: North vs South game profit and loss
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 22:31:29 +0000

Dear Bev,

Please see attached letter and profit and loss statement for the North vs South game sent on behalf of David Davies,

Kind regards



PH 03 479 2823
M 027 664 5266
E jo.scully@dunedinvenues.co.nz
W www.dunedinvenues.co.nz

Email Attachments:
[Letter] 120730 – Bev Butler North South Match (PDF, 154 KB)
NorthvsSouth Statement of Income, Expenses and Net Profit (PDF, 24 KB)

31.3.12 ODT Rugby: Bosses working on inter-island match
The inter-island match has not been played since professional rugby began, but plans remain to reinstate the match in June in Dunedin. The last clash was in 1995 at Carisbrook but this year’s duel will be played across town at the new stadium as part of plans to help bail out the Otago Rugby Union.

15.3.12 [ORFU bailout package] ODT Council debt write-off saves ORFU

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCHL, DVL, DVML, Economics, Events, Name, People, Project management, Property, Site, Sport, Stadiums

Mr Orders, sir! About your staff expertise…

“We don’t need consultants to tell us the time.”

### ODT Online Sat, 18 Aug 2012
Consultants cost DCC $32m
By Chris Morris
After spending more than $30 million on consultants in three years, Dunedin City Council staff are under pressure to slash spending on outside help, it has been confirmed. Figures released to the Otago Daily Times this week show the council spent $32.59 million on consultants, within Dunedin and further afield, over the past three years. Annual spending was dropping steadily, down from $13.34 million in 2009-10 to $8.66 million in 2011-12, a trend council chief executive Paul Orders was keen to see continue.
Read more


Comment at ODT Online:

The skills are there
Submitted by topsy on Tue, 21/08/2012 – 7:09pm.

One of the major weaknesses within the DCC organisation is the lack of a central skills database. All too often, department managers reach out to consultants because the required skill does not exist within their own department. That same skill, meanwhile, is sitting unused within a neighbouring DCC department, usually within the same building.
The DCC currently has qualified project managers, quantity surveyors, valuers, etc. The problem today is that no-one outside of that employee’s department knows that the person exists. Often that person is not employed in a role which uses their specialist skill, making it even more difficult for other department managers to identify that skill from within the DCC ranks.
I would recommend that Mr Orders conduct an in-depth staff skills survey – not amongst the managers, but directly with the staff. He may well find that he already owns the solution.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

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Filed under Business, DCC, Economics, Media, Name, People, Project management