Daily Archives: August 26, 2012

Extorting, misappropriating funds… ‘the running tap’


Whatever you think of Alan Jones, you owe it to yourself to listen to this before it’s removed from circulation. Give yourself about 25 minutes, but I reckon it’s the most informative broadcast you will hear.
Remember, this is not about Iran or Pakistan or some mad despot, but this is happening here in Australia and refers to our powerful, power hungry union leaders who are now in charge of running this great country of ours. Unfortunately, the widespread corruption appears to lead direct to the PM’s office itself and one can understand their eagerness to suppress the news media and freedom of speech.
Social justice indeed!!
You may have a different slant on things of course, but that’s your democratic right.                

Subject: Interview by Alan Jones on 2GB — Re Julia Gillard

For all who may be interested, Andrew Bolt ran an abbreviated version of this story yesterday at 10 AM.

At 11.30 AM yesterday he got 2 death threats and a separate phone call from Paul Howse current AWU Secretary telling Bolt that the AWU intended to sue Bolt.

This morning the TV station hosting ‘The Bolt Report’ was told that it could expect ‘all sorts of trouble from service suppliers and transport companies servicing the network unless it retracted the story and sacked Bolt’.

Don’t be surprised if Alan Jones is also silenced in some way.

Listen carefully to this radio broadcast. It will make your hair curl… And this recording may not last long on line…

This matter has been touted around for some time, but a tight lid has been put onto it. Small leaks here and there…
Something has to give somewhere… And pretty soon…

Friday, 20 July 2012
Julia Gillard and the Australian Workers Union
Alan Jones is joined by Michael Smith to discuss the Prime Minister and the AWU. Listen to it at



### nzherald.co.nz 5:58 PM Thursday Aug 23, 2012
Gillard hits back at ‘defamatory’ claims
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she never personally benefited from a union fund which she helped set up for free, and off the books, when she was a lawyer 17 years ago. Ms Gillard held an hour-long news conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday to deal with “false and highly defamatory” claims about her work with law firm Slater & Gordon in the 1990s. AAP
Read more

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

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