Tag Archives: Driving charges

Epere on driving charges, now faces drugs charges after police raid

From: Hamish McNeilly [Fairfax Dunedin Bureau Chief]
Sent: Wednesday, 16 December 2015 6:16 p.m.
To: Elizabeth Kerr
Subject: So Albert Epere on drug raid. See my earlier links

Gang member loses gardening contract with Dunedin Council after arrested for speeding
By Hamish McNeilly Last updated 17:11, December 16 2015
A gang member has lost his contract to maintain Dunedin’s public gardens after he was arrested for racing on a state highway. In October, the Dunedin City Council awarded Mauri Kohatu Incorporated, a $52,000 trial contract to maintain some city greenspaces until June 30, 2016. […] In a statement issued late Wednesday, the council said it suspended its trial social procurement contract with Mauri Kohatu after becoming aware of Epere’s alleged offending on Monday.

Man arrested after police raid on Dunedin gang pad
By Hamish McNeilly Last updated 13:45, December 16 2015
Armed police took part in an early morning raid of a Dunedin gang house. Police raided a Pine Hill Rd property on Wednesday morning and arrested a 49-year-old man. The property was understood to be connected with Black Power.

Related Posts and Comments:
14.12.15 Epere arrested
13.10.15 Stuff: DCC to pay Epere $37 an hour
12.10.15 alfred e cull
11.10.15 DCC: Numpty – Cull – Epere
6.10.15 DCC suckered by Black Power leader
9.3.15 DCC patched: How NZ Herald sells our “story” #gangs
8.7.14 DCC: Mayor Cull and council staff consort with criminal gangs

█ Embarrassing for Dave Cull, Sue Bidrose, Rebecca Williams and all the uninformed Do-gooder councillors and staff at Dunedin City Council who wanted to throw ratepayers’ money at criminal gangs.

rebecca and mad hatter cull with black power menber parts 1 and 2 [371100] Douglas Field 16.12.15 (1)Douglas Field 16 Dec 2015 [click to enlarge]

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Dunedin, Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Police, Politics, Project management, Property