DCC Organisation Chart #LGOIMA

June 2016 [click to enlarge]


See page 3 for organisation chart with staff names:

DCC Official Information
Staff Names LGOIMA 564444 (PDF, 254.4 KB)
Request from Andy Evans 04/11/2016

Note: The chart was not current when issued in November. Some of the people named no longer work for DCC. For example, Grant McKenzie is no longer the Group Chief Financial Officer (GCFO). Mr McKenzie is now the CEO of Allied Press Ltd. Some portfolios have also changed between senior managers.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

This post is offered in the public interest.


Filed under Business, DCC, Democracy, Dunedin, Economics, Name, Ombudsman, People, Politics, Project management, Public interest, Resource management

2 responses to “DCC Organisation Chart #LGOIMA

  1. Elizabeth

    DCC Official Information 2016

    Staff Turnover and Sick Leave LGOIMA 257642 (PDF, 112.5 KB)
    Request from Vaughan Elder ODT 25/07/2016

    █ The number of full time employees who were employed as at 30 June 2016 was 507. The number of FTE positions held by other employees (eg part time) as at 30 June, 2016 was 141.

  2. Raymond

    So, 648 jobs, FTE jobs? How many more jobs is that than is actually needed? Take away any job that competes with private enterprise and we would all be amazed. I am guessing ½ of them…?

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