Daily Archives: May 23, 2016

DCC stormwater drainage fails again #Dunedin (today!)

Jeff Dickie 20160523_085845Jeff Dickie 20160523_085800Jeff Dickie 20160523_085755Jeff Dickie 20160523_085738

Received from Jeff Dickie
23/05/2016 2:31 pm (GMT+12:00)


This is what flooding looked like at 3 Malvern St, Woodhaugh at 9.00am today. Residents were unable to access the property or easily vacate it for that matter. As with June 3 1915, flooding in this area was caused by a blocked mudtank. However, the mudtank itself is so far below specification that even when cleared it is not able to cope.

This was hardly a one in a 100-year rain event! This has consistently caused property damage and huge inconvenience.

The DCC has continually failed to attend to core business such as this. The mayor and council have been distracted with trivia, such as frivolous trips overseas, failed expensive projects such as cycleways and financially disastrous failed Delta property ventures.

The complete failure of such a basic core service as drainage is symptomatic of an administration and a mayoralty [not coping…] to the core! 

{Moderated. -Eds}

DCC Webmap - 3 Malvern St, Dunedin JanFeb 2013DCC Webmap – 3 Malvern St, Dunedin JanFeb 2013 [click to enlarge]

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, Democracy, District Plan, Dunedin, Economics, Geography, Housing, Infrastructure, Name, People, Politics, Project management, Property, Proposed 2GP, Public interest, Resource management, Site, Town planning, Transportation