Audit NZ making up for previous huge inadequacies over DCC books ?

Audit NZ as CAVALIER, INCOMPETENT and CORRUPT as DCC with regards to stewardship and protection of Ratepayer Funds —in particular, Harland era to the present

### ODT Online Fri, 20 Feb 2015
DCC censured by Audit NZ
By Chris Morris
The Dunedin City Council been criticised by Audit New Zealand after “significantly” underperforming in the delivery of last year’s annual report. The rebuke came in Audit NZ’s annual audit report, which said the council had missed deadlines to deliver last year’s annual report to Audit NZ by “a significant margin”. The quality of the council’s annual report was also “clearly below an appropriate standard”, and internal quality review processes appeared to be lacking, Audit NZ said.
Read more

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Carisbrook, Citifleet, CST, Cycle network, DCC, DCHL, DCTL, Delta, Democracy, DVL, DVML, Economics, Enterprise Dunedin, Media, Name, New Zealand, NZRU, ORFU, People, Politics, Project management, Property, Site, Sport, Stadiums, Town planning, Urban design, What stadium

9 responses to “Audit NZ making up for previous huge inadequacies over DCC books ?

  1. Anon

    With online accounting packages like Xero and MYOB in the cloud – it’s time for councils to open the books and give “viewing only” permission access to the accounts to the public. The Auditor can only do so much. The locals know what projects were promised and the actual on the ground output of the council projects, and who belongs to which local organisations and are more likely to notice anomalies or spot conflicts of interest.

  2. Russell Garbutt

    Let us not forget that Audit NZ are, in themselves totally and completely incompetent. How come Audit NZ missed the Delta shambles? How come Audit NZ missed out on the Cityfleet fraud? How come Audit NZ didn’t react to all the expenditure on the stadium debacle that was unaccounted for, or indeed the quality of the material that was used to back up the decision to build? How come Audit NZ didn’t see the whole Kaipara shambles?

    It is because, and I quote, because Audit NZ only check the quality of the books of the entity being examined not any content, nor any decisions. Audit NZ are a complete and utter waste of space and money. While they are picky on whether the reports presented to them are in a good font, or are nicely bound, they couldn’t give a flying toss over what is actually happening.

    They also inherently believe in large dollops of debt having said to me that local bodies that don’t have significant debt are ignoring their infrastructure. God help us when Audit NZ are involved in anything.

    That said, how can the DCC be at all happy with their position? Cull and co may be blind as coots, but the rest of us can see what is going on.

    • Hype O'Thermia

      When something’s not working, investigate thoroughly and come to the conclusion that it needs a new name, logo, office premises etc. As a loyal Godzoner I’d like to offer this suggestion, to shorten the process.
      Nau Ditz fashionably incorporates a Maori word, and means something along the lines of “Come along, Dizzy!”.

  3. Cars

    Surely Questions must be asked firstly about what do the staff do?

    We know that they steal cars and come up with grandiose plans that fail to generate commensurate income, but surely some of them should be employed in accounting for statutory requirements under law.

    When will the people of Dunedin demand a council that looks after the roads, rubbish, wash water and sewage.

    What we’ve got is a group of people who have rarely if ever been involved in business practising their hopefully improving business skills using other people’s money and apparently at no risk to themselves even if their schemes fail.

    If the accounting department and finance cannot prepare correctly the accounts, then fire them and get some who can.

    Personally, I’m sick and tired of these continuous failures of the staff, excused by the CEO and ignored or even attempted explanations by the councillors.

    The role of the CEO is to manage the staff, not to keep them but to manage them so that they do the required job in a satisfactory manner for the ratepayers.

    This is not happening.

  4. Elizabeth

    Cars for Mayor or Chief Executive, one or the other~!! I know, you have better things to do….

    What you and Russell say so directly here is the straight accountability DCC needs —criminally, it’s as far away from happening as the proverbial blue moon.

    [have updated post accordingly at top of thread]

  5. Elizabeth

    Believe what you’re told.

    ### ODT Online February 24, 2015 – 5:49pm
    DCC criticised for under-performing in the last financial year
    The Dunedin City Council has drawn criticism from Audit New Zealand for under-performing in the last financial year. But the reprimand comes with commendation for some council initiatives. And for those tasked with balancing the books, it’s set to be a much smoother ride this financial year.

  6. Elizabeth

    Top six posts in the last 30 days, as follow the Home page/Archives (top views), in consecutive order – interesting!

    1. University of Otago can’t beat broadcast news and social media #image
    2. Cr Lee Vandervis apology
    3. Dunedin City Council to set rates WAY ABOVE….
    4. Dunedin City Councillors invited to Secret Meeting #Mosgiel
    5. DCC (EDU) invents new job! —Gigatown/Digital Office
    6. Dunedin Hospital buildings SORRY STATE


    Top six posts in the last quarter, following the Home page/Archives – more interesting!

    1. DCC: Limited Citifleet investigation about insurance
    2. DCC: Non-notified decision for Harbourside subdivision
    3. Dunedin City Council to set rates WAY ABOVE….
    4. DCC: Deloitte report released on Citifleet #whitewash
    5. Traffic lights: Anzac Avenue/Frederick Street intersection
    6. Stadium Review: Mayor Cull exposed


    Top six posts in the last year, following the Home page/Archives – completely unsurprising!

    1. DCC: Deloitte report referred to the police #Citifleet
    2. DCC: Limited Citifleet investigation about insurance
    3. DCC unit under investigation
    4. DCC: Non-notified decision for Harbourside subdivision
    5. Whaleoil / Cameron Slater on ratepayers’ lament
    6. DCC: Tony Avery resigns

  7. Anonymous

    “The council was already talking to an external agent about providing assistance to the council…”

    The first thing this tells me is some Good Old Boy is going to get paid $250-$350/hr or $1000-$1200 plus GST per day.

    The second thing is it continues to suggest the Dunedin City Council is still full of salary bloaters who are unable to do their jobs, yet quite prepared to waste an exorbitant amount of time bitching and moaning at each other, focusing on non-essential glory projects and inventing new ways to hide the enormity of debt and fraud in the place.

    Some of the management staff are paid over $100K, $200K or even $300K to do their [expletive removed in case Kate gets out her Code Of Conduct complaint] jobs. Most of us get well under $100 to do ours and we risk losing it if we can’t. We don’t have the luxury of spending other people’s money to pay a friend to do our job for us.

    Stop being lazy, delegating paper-jockeys and get on with working for Dunedin. If that means a few late nights to meet a deadline then what makes public servants so special?

    That’s what the citizens you work for would do.

  8. Anonymous

    ### ODT Online Fri, 27 Feb 2015
    Audit rebuke prompts vow
    By Chris Morris
    The Dunedin City Council is vowing to do better after being rebuked by Audit New Zealand for delays completing last year’s annual report. The Otago Daily Times reported last week Audit NZ had criticised the council for “significantly” underperforming in the production of the council’s annual report.
    Read more

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