Daily Archives: September 30, 2015

DCC 2GP molasses and the dreadful shooflies (You)


2GP banner

Proposed Second Generation District Plan (2GP)

Received from Anonymous [not a city councillor]

█ Message: It looks like they have pushed the panic button.

From: Simon Pickford
Sent: Wednesday, 30 September 2015 11:54 a.m.
To: Council 2013-2016 (Elected Members); Community Board – Chalmers 2013-2016; Community Board – Mosgiel Taieri 2013-2016; Community Board – Otago Peninsula 2013-2016; Community Board – Saddle Hill 2013-2016; Community Board – Strath Taieri 2013-2016; Community Board – Waikouaiti Coast 2013-2016
Cc: Executive Leadership Team (ELT); Anna Johnson; Nicola Pinfold
Subject: 2GP update

Dear Councillors and Community Board members,

I just wanted to give you a brief update on the 2GP and public enquiries. As of the end of day 2 since the 2GP was notified we have had approximately 100 people through the drop-in centre on George Street whom we have answered questions for. We have also had just over 80 phone enquiries, and many emails. Staff are working overtime to return phone calls and get back to people as quickly as possible. However, with a small team of planners and a few on long overdue leave, some calls may take a day or 2 to clear. We have also received a large number of people through the DCC libraries and service centres.

Any District Plan is a difficult document for people to get their heads around and many people will need assistance. We are working hard to provide first class customer service on this project, but the first few days are always the most challenging as both the public and the planners work through this process.

We estimate around 90% of calls are related to natural hazards provisions. The natural hazard questions have related to both what the 2GP provisions are and also questions related to how things have been mapped which we have referred to the Otago Regional Council where appropriate, as they (and their consultants) undertook the scientific analysis.

We hope to get to you a list of frequently asked questions and their answers in the next couple of days so you know what people are asking and what the answers are.

We would really appreciate your support in helping your communities to be involved in this process, by encouraging people to seek advice and get involved but also help them to understand that the first few days may require some patience with the flood of enquiries and as we learn better what people are interested in so we can streamline and provide additional information around those questions.

Please also encourage them to come to the community meetings. Some suggestions provided by you that staff are responding to are trying to resource a staff member to go to the Mosgiel service centre to help with enquiries and to provide people with another option than the George Street centre. They will also look to add an additional meeting at Macandrew Bay. If you have any other suggestions or concerns please contact Anna Johnson directly so she can look to improve our service where we can.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards


Simon Pickford
General Manager Services and Development
Dunedin City Council

Related Post:
28.9.15 Message to DCC: The People can’t deal with your 2GP documentation…
26.9.15 DCC: Proposed 2GP to line pockets of cowboy developers #FIGHTDIRTY

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

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