Tag Archives: Basil Walker

DScene: Carisbrook $7 million

### DScene 17-6-09 (page 1)
The price: $7m
Exclusive: Welcome to the House of Drain – financial drain, that is. D Scene can reveal Dunedin City Council has agreed to buy iconic sports ground Carisbrook for $7 million. The deal will bail out the debt-ridden Otago Rugby Football Union: p4-5

### DScene 17-6-09 (page 3)
Name your price
By Ryan Keen, editor
It’s fair to say the controversial new Awatea Street stadium just got $7 million dearer…[sparking] debate about whether the size of the rugby union’s debts – about $6 million – had anything to do with the price and if it’s a fair one.

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Otago Rugby Union boss is happy with Test night crowd and the $7 million deal done with council to sell the historic sports ground

Saving her best for last (page 4)
By Ryan Keen
It might [be] old, tired and on the way out but Carisbrook can still host a top night of Test rugby.

What methodology was used to arrive at a $7 million purchase price…
Carisbrook price covers debts (page 5)
By Ryan Keen
D Scene, via official sources, can reveal the $7 million price tag for the iconic ground, its large nearby carparking areas on Neville St and associated Properties. The deal was signed off in February…but the price was always confidential. The deal is conditional on the $198 million Otago stadium going ahead.

Where to now? (page 5)
By Ryan Keen and Michelle Sutton
The New Zealand Historic Places Trust is waiting to discuss Carisbrook’s future with Dunedin mayor Peter Chin.

Otago Stadium: Government grant conditions pinned down
The $15m question (page 8)
By Michelle Sutton
Conditions attached to the Government’s $15million pledge to the controversial Otago Stadium will be pinned down this week…the final conditions are two weeks away.
Meanwhile, Otago Regional Co8uncil is seeking $12,000 to $12,500 from Basil Walker, of Queenstown, after his failed High Court bid.

On the ball: Carisbrook pain starting to mount up
House of Horrors (page 22)
In recent years Carisbrook has been called “the House of Pain” because it is apparently such a difficult venue for opposing rugby teams.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Architecture, Design, Economics, Geography, Hot air, Media, Politics, Project management, Site, Sport, Stadiums, What stadium

"We the people"… and some others

Seems Basil Walker is up to his usual tricks again, speaking for everyone else – even if we want him to shut up.

First it came with his legal challenge to the Emissions Trading Act taken against the government (get this) on behalf of the people of New Zealand. Now the ODT has revealed that he’s taking action against the ORC, even though he’s not a Ratepayer but is doing it for his family.

Further, of course, if the judge finds against him and awards costs to the ORC (for defending their democratic actions), it’s been revealed that it will be difficult for the judge to award full costs, the man’s a declared Bankrupt.

Sorry Basil, your heart might be in the right place, but I didn’t want your interference with the ETS (some of us liked it), and I don’t want your non-rate-paying interference now.

Full Story here in the ODT

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Filed under Economics, Fun, Hot air, Politics, Stadiums

Stadium fight to High Court


### Channel 9 News May 1, 2009
Saturday’s ODT covers the stadium fight’s move to the Dunedin High Court this Wednesday, May 6. Basil Walker’s application to be heard.


### ODT Online Sat, 2 May 2009
Stadium hearing Wednesday
By David Loughrey

The latest legal challenge to the Otago stadium will go before the High Court at Dunedin on Wednesday, when former Queenstown property developer Basil Walker attempts to get an interim injunction to stop the Otago Regional Council from funding the project.
Read more

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Filed under Economics, Geography, Hot air, Inspiration, Media, Politics, Stadiums