Daily Archives: May 13, 2014

Stadium benefits, what?! (Copeman)

(9:38) Dunedin has to decide how much money to fork out to keep its Stadium going. Ali Copeman (COC) on the benefits of the stadium.

### radionz.co.nz Tuesday 13 May 2014
Radio New Zealand National
The Panel with Jim Mora

The Panel with Barry Corbett and Vicki Hyde (Part 2)
16:33 Topics – A report’s come out from Human Rights Watch and Harvard Law School calling for killer robots to be banned. Dunedin residents could again be asked to beef up the funding for the expensive Forsyth Barr covered stadium. MOTAT, the transport museum in Auckland has been criticised recently for having exhibits of old things; like cars, trams, foodstuffs, boxes of soap powder.
Audio | Downloads: Ogg MP3 (27:16)

Vicki Hyde (Christchurch) and Barry Corbett (Christchurch)

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under COC (Otago), Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Politics, Stadiums

Stuff: Colin Espiner usefully defines Corruption

Even Australia has an Independent Commission Against Corruption with wide powers.

### stuff.co.nz Sunday, 11 May 2014
Sunday Serve
The curse of the C-word
By Colin Espiner – Sunday Star-Times
OPINION: There are still a few words in the English language that are unacceptable in polite company. There’s the N-word, for example, as Jeremy Clarkson has found out to his cost in the UK just recently. The F-word is starting to become more acceptable, but it’s still a little strong for a family newspaper. In Parliament, you’re not allowed to use the H-word; for reasons too banal to go into here, MPs are forbidden to call each other hypocrites in the Debating Chamber (although liar, cheat, fraud and fool are all fine). Then there’s the C-word, still the last taboo in New Zealand at least. I refer, of course, to the word corruption, which, along with economic depression, is something we don’t have here, OK?

New Zealand just seems to hope it doesn’t happen here.

But corruption is a slippery, insidious disease that is difficult sometimes to diagnose or even recognise. It can become so endemic that participants may not even identify their behaviour as corrupt or even wrong. Although there are many definitions of corruption, the one I think best sums it up is “the illegitimate use of public power to benefit a private interest”. And given political events of the past few weeks, it is a term that has been bandied about quite a bit.
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Last week, the ODT used the word fraud in the same ‘breath’ as Forsyth Barr Stadium (see Saturday’s In Brief report of Bev Butler’s submission to the DCC Annual Plan hearings).

Related Posts and Comments:
9.5.14 DCC Draft Annual Plan 2014/15 Submission by Bev Butler
11.5.14 Stadium: DCC proposes extra funds for stadium debt repayment

Good Read:
9.5.14 Stuff (Fairfax News) Stadium could cost Dunedin ratepayers millions

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Democracy, New Zealand, People, Politics, Project management