Tag Archives: dunnerstunner

Stadium benefits, what?! (Copeman)

(9:38) Dunedin has to decide how much money to fork out to keep its Stadium going. Ali Copeman (COC) on the benefits of the stadium.

### radionz.co.nz Tuesday 13 May 2014
Radio New Zealand National
The Panel with Jim Mora

The Panel with Barry Corbett and Vicki Hyde (Part 2)
16:33 Topics – A report’s come out from Human Rights Watch and Harvard Law School calling for killer robots to be banned. Dunedin residents could again be asked to beef up the funding for the expensive Forsyth Barr covered stadium. MOTAT, the transport museum in Auckland has been criticised recently for having exhibits of old things; like cars, trams, foodstuffs, boxes of soap powder.
Audio | Downloads: Ogg MP3 (27:16)

Vicki Hyde (Christchurch) and Barry Corbett (Christchurch)

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under COC (Otago), Media, Name, New Zealand, People, Politics, Stadiums