Tag Archives: Dickhead Councillors

DCC low lifes #RugbyDebtStadium

Huh? Huh?

The council is increasing the capital of its investment company by $850m. (Ch39)

### dunedintv.co.nz June 30, 2015 – 7:24pm
DCC takes ownership of Dunedin Venues Limited
City councillors have voted for the organisation to take on an extra $30m of debt. That’s being transferred today from Dunedin Venues Limited. Councillors have also approved the equivalent payment of DVL shares, to repay the debt. And they’ve voted for the council to take ownership of the company, as well as Dunedin Venues Management Limited, for the new financial year.
Ch39 Link [no video available]


Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, CST, DCC, DCHL, DCTL, DVL, DVML, Economics, Highlanders, Hot air, Media, Name, New Zealand, NZRU, OAG, ORFU, People, Politics, Project management, Property, Site, Sport, Stadiums