Tag Archives: DCC Annual Plan 2014/15

DCC Draft Annual Plan 2014/15 hearings

“Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull said this was the best opportunity for the council to judge how the community felt on matters.” (ODT)
The DRAFT Annual Plan process is not the best chance to judge the city council – that would take sittings at the High Court.

“Staff are also expected to report next week that they have found another $1 million savings or income, to keep the rates rise at 3% despite expecting Forsyth Barr Stadium to be about $1 million under budget again, also for the third consecutive year. That would bring the total [ratepayers’ contribution] to the venue’s cost annually to more than $10 million.” (ODT)
Everyone knows the cost to ratepayers for the stadium’s capital funding and operationals is +$20 MILLION per year.

### ODT Online Wed, 7 May 2014
Council ready to hear funding submissions
By Debbie Porteous
It will be up to the council to juggle tight budgets and the various pleas for extra spending as it begins hearing this morning from some of the 1119 submitters with views on the council’s 2014-15 draft annual plan, which sets out council spending for the coming financial year. It continues a disciplinary stance on new or additional funding, the council having already trimmed more than $3 million from its own budgets as part of its third consecutive year of pushing to cut costs, and keeps the forecast rates increase to 3%.
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Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


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