Vandervis emails batch 1 #Dunedin #infrastructure #flood #mudtanks

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Batch #1 being 5 of 21 emails
Received from Cr Lee Vandervis on Sun, 24 Apr 2016 from 08:45 AM

A second batch will be posted shortly; a small number of emails considered objectionable have been withheld.
Where appropriate, all contact information has been removed.
The original emails have been archived by What if? Dunedin.

Election Year : This post is offered in the public interest. -Eds


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From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 08:45:35 +1200
To: EditorODT, Vaughan Elder, Tim Brown, Nicholas GS Smith [ODT]
Conversation: Flooding Mud-bath
Subject: Flooding Mud-bath

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Perhaps Mayor Cull only takes showers and does not realise that a bath won’t empty when the plug hole is blocked.
As the Councillor who was filling hundreds of sandbags into the early hours of June 4th in the tremendous community effort to fight back the floodwaters, I had first hand experience of the high water remaining long after the rain had stopped, and well into the next day. Hundreds of South Dunedin and other Dunedin residents took an appalling bath, followed by further property value damage from Mayor Cull ludicrously suggesting sea-level-rise greenwash as requiring a ‘managed retreat’ from South Dunedin. South Dunedin has great investment potential which should be realised, beginning with a big pump that works.

Cr. Lee Vandervis

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From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 10:03:40 +1200
To: Ruth Stokes, Sue Bidrose, Sandy Graham, Laura McElhone, Andrew Noone, Andrew Whiley, Chris Staynes, Doug Hall, Hilary Calvert, John Bezett, Jinty MacTavish, Kate Wilson, Lee Vandervis, Mayor Cull, Mike Lord, Neville Peat, Richard Thomson, David Benson-Pope, Aaron Hawkins
Conversation: Questions re June 3rd 2015 floods.
Subject: Questions re June 3rd 2015 floods.

Dear All,

In the interest of Tenders transparency, last month I enquired of staff whether FH had bought City Care, as City Care’s new ownership remained a closely kept secret and rumours circulated.

Given the City Care appraisal of mudtank maintenance in our Infrastructure Services Committee Agenda, knowing the new ownership of City Care now takes on increased importance.

Who are City Care’s new owners, and do Fulton Hogan have any financial or other interest in or influence over City Care?

In Item 5 a number of other questions arise:

1 – why is there no mention of Mayor Cull’s claimed contribution to flooding from sea-level-rise? Has this been contribution been assessed as nil? If not, why not?

2 – Is it true that City Care applied to do screen clearing prior to the June 3rd flood event, but were not authorised by DCC staff to do so in time for the flood? [28]

3 – Does the statement “a proactive maintenance regime is important to manage and maintain overland flows into the storm water system” mean that without this proactive maintenance, flooding effects will be more damaging due to the restricted ability to drain? [38]

4 – What is the contract specification for cleaning of the mudtank outlet lateral pipes which are compromised when mudtank debris has not been kept “at least 150mm below outlet”? [39]

5 – where/when is the FH ‘30% full proxy’ first recorded in DCC files? [41]

6 – If 26% of draining mudtanks were totally blocked, and a further 36% partially blocked, would this drainage blockage not mean that flooding effects would be made worse as a result? [52]

7 – Does 230T [52] mean 230 tonnes of debris was removed from mudtanks? When was this removed, and by whom, and at what cost to whom? [52]

8 – which ‘water’ “would have been unable to enter the network even if all mudtanks were clear”. Why would this ‘water’ not be able to enter the network? Is this because network screens were blocked or pumps not working adequately? [55]

9 – Was water below road level [57] a major contributor to flooding and damage of houses? Viz, how many houses’ floor levels are below road level in South Dunedin?

10 – What alternative internal management regime is being considered? [61] is an updated resident cellphone-photo-text-alert monitoring system being considered to replace our old fixagram system?

11 – Who have been the successful tenderers for the new separable portion of the Mudtank maintenance contract? And who were the businesses that tendered for this separable portion?

Looking forward to answers that will further inform debate on item 5.


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From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 20:18:54 +1200
To: Vaughan Elder, Tim Brown [ODT]
Cc: EditorODT, Nicholas GS Smith [ODT]
Conversation: Mudtanks FYI – ” there has been insufficient effort put in to maintain the level of service requested”
Subject: Mudtanks FYI – ” there has been insufficient effort put in to maintain the level of service requested”

From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 22:03:50 +1200
To: Sandy Graham [DCC]
Cc: Sue Bidrose, Tony Avery [DCC]
Conversation: Mudtanks FYI – ” there has been insufficient effort put in to maintain the level of service requested”
Subject: Re: Mudtanks FYI – ” there has been insufficient effort put in to maintain the level of service requested”

Dear Sandy,

The response below bears no relation to reality regarding mudtanks in my area [Roslyn] or other areas I drove around during the intense rainfall of 16th Dec.
No amount of claiming that mudtanks were cleaned and operational can disguise the fact that half the tanks in my dog-walk were completely inoperable due to lack of cleaning.
I do not need a field trip as I have regular trips with my dog.
I can confirm that that the performance measure “95% at least 150mm below outlet clear of debris”, has never been met in areas where I have taken a torch and inspected them at night.

The disappointment I now experience at the continued denial of staff rather than addressing the issue is extreme.
I sincerely regret not publishing my mudtanks opinion piece last year and despair of an organisation so committed to self-effacing denial.

Can you please let me know;
1 – who wrote the mudtanks/flooding response below?
2 – who is responsible for the accuracy of the monthly mudtank audits?

Kind regards,

On 15/01/14 3:52 PM, “Sandy Graham” [DCC] wrote:
Dear Lee

Please find below information from staff about the operation of the mudtank structures with specific reference to the rain event on 16 December 2013 as per your enquiry to Sue and Tony of 17 December 2013. Sue has asked that I respond on her behalf noting that Tony is still on leave. In summary, the note explains that there was not a widespread failure of the mudtank system on 16 December 2013. It also details how the system is inspected and maintained. The issue you raise about debris on the roads is also addressed.

“The intense rain event, and subsequent flooding, on Monday 16 December 2013 did cause some problems in the city, but these issues don’t necessarily translate into a widespread failure of our mudtank structures.

The rainfall was brief but intense, particularly in central Dunedin, and inner-city rain gauge readings showed it was equivalent to a 1-in-5 year rainfall event. A compounding factor was that this rainfall coincided with a spring high tide. Several stormwater sewers were affected simultaneously by tidal resistance and intense rainfall.

Parts of the city’s stormwater drainage system were inundated for a short period of time, but the flooding disappeared quickly and the system coped with the rain that followed. Not all the surface water from the intersection of Stuart and London Streets was able to be collected by mudtanks and some overflow occurred in St Andrew Street. However, overall the roading and kerbing network worked well as open drains. The flooding of certain properties highlighted some ground level issues between our network and private properties and work will be carried out to minimise future damage.

During the rainfall, Fulton Hogan (FH) crews were out clearing the top off many mudtanks that tend to congest during these heavy flows with debris off roads and private properties. The mudtank system held up well considering the intensity of the rainfall. FH continued to monitor conditions overnight.

When flooding occurs following intense rainfall, people often assume mudtanks structures are failing. In some cases this may be so, but it can also just be the visible sign of a lack of capacity downstream, rather than the root cause of the flooding.

Surface water can spread debris across roads and properties and when the water drains away, the debris is left. This does not necessarily mean there has been a mudtank problem. When people see water constantly in tanks they assume it is blocked, when in actual fact there should always be a residual amount of water in the tank. It is also assumed a tank with water up to the grate is blocked, but this could be one of our many bubble up systems, which are designed to reduce pressure elsewhere in the system.

In terms of contractor performance, the contract with FH sets out the performance levels which the DCC requires. It is up to the contractor to determine how these measures are achieved, but there are regular checks to gauge this performance against the agreed standard.

Performance measures for mudtank cleaning include:
• 95% of mudtanks shall have at least 150mm below outlet clear of debris
• 95% of mudtanks shall have available 90% of their grate clear of debris

The contractors report regularly on the work achieved, as well as keeping a database of all mudtanks so we can easily check when they were last inspected or serviced. Previous contracts have opted to have suction trucks inspecting each tank in a cyclic fashion, sucking the tanks as they need it. FH has opted for a process of inspection and calling the suction truck in to the tanks needing attention.

Over the past six months, 6900 of our 7500 tanks have been inspected, with 700 needing to be sucked out. On average, we replace 37 inspection openings and three number two mudtanks (these are double mudtanks) a year. We also replace the outlet piping on a further 70 tanks.

The DCC carries out monthly audits that give an indication of the performance levels being met across the network. (This is the same system which operates for other contracted services such as street sweeping or grass cutting). There are also random audits carried out where a range of services are looked at in a specific part of the city each time.”

If you would like the opportunity of a fieldtrip to look at the stormwater system, please get in touch and we will arrange for one of the Roading Engineers to accompany you.


Sandy Graham
Group Manager Corporate Services
Dunedin City Council

From: Lee Vandervis
Sent: Tuesday, 17 December 2013 8:05 a.m.
To: Sue Bidrose, Tony Avery [DCC]
Subject: FW: Mudtanks FYI – ” there has been insufficient effort put in to maintain the level of service requested” – their big sucker truck was in Chch for the whole year!
Importance: High

Hi Sue and Tony,

I withheld publishing a damning opinion piece last year on the failure of DCC staff to ensure that a quarter million dollar mud-tank cleaning contract was actually carried out.
The email below highlighted that Fulton Hogan were paid for a year-long contract that they simply did not carry out.
Assurances from FH and Tony Avery that the failure to do the job would be rapidly fixed have been shown by yesterday’s flash rainfall to be false.
Half the mudtanks in my usual dog walk area are completely blocked and inoperative and it seems a cynical cleaning of just some of the bottom-of-catchment tanks has been undertaken.
Evidence of the widespread failure of mudtanks to drain is seen with gravel and flotsam all over the road in many areas that I have driven around this morning.
Sodden shops wont have been helped by un-cleaned mudtanks.

I do not enjoy showing up staff dereliction, but as a ratepayer’s representative, what options have you left me?

Cr. Vandervis.

—— Forwarded Message
From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 07:50:26 +1300
To: Mayor Cull
Conversation: Mudtanks FYI – ” there has been insufficient effort put in to maintain the level of service requested” – their big sucker truck was in Chch for the whole year!
Subject: FW: Mudtanks FYI – ” there has been insufficient effort put in to maintain the level of service requested” – their big sucker truck was in Chch for the whole year!

—— Forwarded Message
From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 18:32:47 +1300
To: Andrew Noone
Conversation: Mudtanks
Subject: FW: Mudtanks

G’day Andrew,

The attached edited info shows that only 19 from $281,000 has been withheld. No wonder they are unconcerned. They are cleaning up at the bank without doing the mud tanks.

All the more reason for us to get a Tenders Board with Councillors on it asap.


—— Forwarded Message
From: Graeme Hamilton [DCC]
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 12:01:37 +1200
To: Lee Vandervis
Cc: Tony Avery, Andrew Noone, Peter Standring [DCC]
Subject: Mudtanks

Hi Lee,
I took note of your concerns across this area of the DCC maintenance contract as expressed at our recent ISCOM Briefing, and have had an extensive response from Peter Standring who carry’s responsibility for administration of this contract with FH. If there is anything that is unclear, or you wish to have further discussion on the subject we would be pleased to assist.
Graeme Hamilton
Manager, Transportation Operations
Dunedin City Council

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From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 18:19:40 +1200
To: David Loughrey [ODT]
Conversation: Dunedin
Subject: FW: Dunedin

—— Forwarded Message
From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 15:29:15 +1200
To: Paul Orders, Sandy Graham, Tony Avery [DCC]
Conversation: Dunedin
Subject: FW: Dunedin

Highlighted italics mine guys. Andrew knows of a number of totally ignored mudtank issues still after all the palaver.
The itch to go public with the sat-on mudtanks opinion piece is becoming irresistible.

—— Forwarded Message
From: Robyn
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 11:35:32 +1300
To: Lee Vandervis
Subject: Fw: Dunedin

From: Robyn
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:46 AM
To: Bill Acklin, John Bezett, Neil Collins, Andrew Noone, Teresa Stevenson, Lee Vandervis, Colin Weatherall
Subject: Dunedin

I have just received a flyer in the mail box entitled FYI DUNEDIN your DCC news. The first sentence says most of it. What is the Draft Annual Plant about? You people are intending to pour more rates into the stadium and you do not appear to be concerned that our streets are looking more like Mumbai every day. We should be fostering a sister city relationship with any city in India or other poverty stricken cities.

The place looks disgusting. I will mention a few.

Weeds growing rampant in most streets. Broken up footpaths. Trees and bushes growing out over property boundaries and making pedestrians step out onto the road. Leaking water into the gutters for many years that the gutters are green with algae. There are many. One, on Musselburgh Rise by the pedestrian crossing to Bayfield HS, has been running for many years (yes). DCC have been contacted but is anything done….No.

What are the contractors doing in relation to blocked mud tanks? Nothing. DCC waits until a complaint comes in then it takes days, sometimes weeks to be sorted. Do you know the word preventative maintenance? I walk a lot these days and I could easily count up to a hundred blocked mud tanks. You can see they are blocked by the amount of gravel in them.

Why are contractors not bought to heal and do what they are paid for?

Why is there so much rubbish spilt on collection days and the collectors just leave it were it lies? Surely to goodness you have people that check up on this? Why wait until complaints come in, preventative. There it goes again. Make these people accountable!

Why do the people laying cables leave the areas in such a mess. How long do we wait until the patch the footpaths after the holes are filled in?

Why do your contractors dig up perfectly good footpaths and driveway aprons?

Do you need more?


Mal Parker

Somerville Street.

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From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 18:21:35 +1200
To: David Loughrey [ODT]
Conversation: Mudtank
Subject: FW: Mudtank

—— Forwarded Message
From: Lee Vandervis
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:41:22 +1200
To: Graeme Hamilton [DCC]
Conversation: Mudtank
Subject: Re: Mudtank

Good start Graeme.
I look forward to everyone else’s mudtanks being under control too – permanently so as to reduce the clogging of the main sewers!

On 13/09/13 6:01 PM, “Graeme Hamilton” wrote:
Hi Lee
I believe we have your mud tanks under control!

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:
From: Suzanne Donaldson [DCC]
Date: September 13, 2013, 5:07:12 PM GMT+12:00
To: Graeme Hamilton [DCC]
Subject: RE: Mudtank

Hi Graeme

Both tanks have been cleared and are functional.

Kind regards
Suzanne Donaldson
Assistant Contract Supervisor,
Transportation Operations
Dunedin City Council

From: Graeme Hamilton [DCC]
Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2013 5:08 p.m.
To: Suzanne Donaldson [DCC]
Subject: RE: Mudtank

Hi Suzanne,
Thanks for this prompt response. Can you please advise me when they can be declared “free-flowing” and we will let Cllr Vandervis know.

From: Suzanne Donaldson [DCC]
Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2013 4:56 p.m.
To: Graeme Hamilton [DCC]
Cc: Peter Hughes; Jim McQueen [DCC]
Subject: RE: Mudtank

I visited both intersections. All grates needed debris cleared off them after the wind the other day. This will happen tomorrow. The tank at the bottom of Selkirk and Tweed requires a gully – reference 9/2740 and the tank at the bottom of Merlin and Tweed requires more inspection as the tank did not feel full however there did feel like there was an obstruction at the bottom of the tank reference 9/2739.

Kind regards

Suzanne Donaldson
Assistant Contract Supervisor,
Transportation Operations
Dunedin City Council

From: Graeme Hamilton [DCC]
Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2013 3:45 p.m.
To: Suzanne Donaldson [DCC]
Cc: Peter Hughes; Jim McQueen [DCC]
Subject: RE: Mudtank

Jim advises that there is a large grate at the NW corner of Merlin/Tweed Sts.

From: Graeme Hamilton [DCC]
Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2013 3:35 p.m.
To: Suzanne Donaldson [DCC]
Cc: Peter Hughes; Jim McQueen [DCC]
Subject: Mudtank

Hi Suzanne,
Cllr Lee Vandervis has complained that a double mud tank at the bottom of “Merlin and Selkirk” is always overflowing. However I suspect he means either Merlin/Tweed or Tweed/Selkirk intersection area. Can you please have this checked out and advise if they need cleaning.


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27.4.16 DCC meeting and apology NOT Enough— #SouthDunedinFlood
21.4.16 Planning for South Dunedin, but wait….
20.4.16 DCC Politics : Release of Infrastructure Report #SouthDunedinFlood

█ For more, enter the term *flood* in the search box at right.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

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