DCC: Infrastructure report 2 pending —Mudtanks & stormwater drainage #SouthDunedinFlood

Douglas Field Published on Mar 30, 2016 | Updated Jul 30, 2016
busy doin’ nonth’

Comments from Lyndon Weggery:

2016/03/31 at 11:12 am
Newsflash!!! – According to my DCC source the long awaited MudTank report will be tabled on Tuesday 26 April 2016 to the Infrastructure Services Committee. That’s nearly 11 months after the infamous event.

2016/03/31 at 3:34 pm
Elizabeth – aside from our patient waiting for the Mudtank report we are also waiting for any progress on a Council formal resolution dated 30 November 2015 requesting staff to implement a work programme etc to alleviate the flooding dangers to South Dunedin. So far nothing has happened and in the course of a polite discussion with Councillor Aaron Hawkins on Facebook on related matters I have asked him to check on progress. To his credit he has agreed to do so.

● ODT 5.3.16 New contractor for mud tanks
● ODT 25.1.16 April date for report on flooding

Council meeting 30 Nov 2015

Minutes – Council – 30/11/2015 (PDF, 121.8 KB)

Report – Council – 30/11/2015 (PDF, 553.9 KB)
Infrastructure Performance During June 2015 Flood Event [report 1]


A report from Water and Waste Services provided an overview of the extreme rain event of 3 June 2015, its impacts and the performance of the drainage infrastructure. It focused primarily on the impact of the events that were experienced in South Dunedin, as that had been an area of particular public interest.

The analysis presented in the report was based on a flow balance model that had been developed for the purposes of assessing the impact of pumping station performance. The flow balance model had also been used to assess the relative impacts of the high groundwater levels in South Dunedin that significantly increased the amount of runoff generated by the rainfall.

The rain event significantly exceeded the capacity of the stormwater system in South Dunedin. The post event analysis had identified some opportunities to improve the performance of the existing infrastructure in large scale rain events, but would not prevent serious flooding in a similar future rain event.

Work was already underway to redesign the screens at the Portobello Road pumping station to make it easier to keep them clear during large events and was expected to be completed during the current financial year.

The planned infrastructure improvements would slightly reduce the impact of future flooding. However extensive flooding of low lying areas in large scale rain events or long duration rain events remained highly likely, particularly if the rain event coincided with high groundwater conditions.

The General Manager Infrastructure and Networks and Group Manager Water and Waste commented on various aspects of the report and responded to questions from Councillors.

Councillor Thomson left the meeting from 3.52 pm to 3.55 pm and Councillor Staynes left the meeting from 3.54 pm to 4.35 pm during the course of questions. Councillor Vandervis left the meeting from 4.36 pm to 4.38 pm and Councillor Peat left the meeting at 4.38 pm.

Following questions it was moved (The Mayor/Wilson):

“That the Council:

a) Notes the report on Infrastructure Performance during the June 2015 Flood Event.”

b) Notes the serious implications and consequences of rising ground water levels in parts of Dunedin.

c) That staff investigate and report back on a work programme to address the issues caused by rising ground water levels in South Dunedin and other parts of the city.

d) Notes that the report should include:
i) Possible responses to a range of sea level and climate change scenarios.
ii) Budgetary, infrastructural and community implications of both scenarios and responses.
iii) Catchment wide stormwater systems, ownership and effective management.

e) Notes that Council’s long term aims, as much as possible, are:
i) that the environment of affected parts of Dunedin is improved to an acceptable level.
ii) that no Dunedin citizen, ratepayer or householder is seriously disadvantaged as a result of any measures taken to deal with the challenges of ground water and rising sea levels.”

Councillor Peat returned to the meeting at 4.42 pm.

During discussion the work of staff was acknowledged during the time of the flooding.

Following discussion Motion (a) was put and carried on a division 14:0 with one abstention.
For: Councillors Benson-Pope, Bezett, Calvert, Hall, Hawkins, Lord, MacTavish, Noone, Peat, Staynes, Thomson, Whiley, Wilson, The Mayor
Council minutes – 30 November and 14 December 2015 7
Abstention: Councillor Vandervis, on the grounds that the motion did not identify the major flood causes as he understood them

Motions (b) – (d) were put and carried on a division 13:1 with one abstention.
For: Councillors Benson-Pope, Bezett, Calvert, Hall, Hawkins, Lord, MacTavish, Noone, Peat, Staynes, Thomson, Wilson, The Mayor Against: Councillor Whiley Abstention: Councillor Vandervis

Motion (e) was put and carried on a division 12:2 with one abstention.
For: Councillors Benson-Pope, Bezett, Hall, Hawkins, Lord, MacTavish, Noone, Peat, Staynes, Thomson, Wilson, The Mayor Against: Councillors Calvert, Whiley Abstention: Councillor Vandervis

It was moved (The Mayor/Staynes):
“That the meeting adjourns for ten minutes.”
Motion carried

The meeting adjourned from 5.35 pm to 5.47 pm.
[Item 17 ends]

Dunedin City Council Published on Dec 7, 2015
Dunedin City Council – Council Meeting – November 30 2015
Agenda Item 17 from 1:09:50

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, Democracy, Dunedin, Economics, Infrastructure, Media, Name, New Zealand, Ombudsman, People, Politics, Project management, Property, Resource management, Site, South Dunedin

16 responses to “DCC: Infrastructure report 2 pending —Mudtanks & stormwater drainage #SouthDunedinFlood

  1. Elizabeth

    You can see from the voting pattern on 30 November 2015 (see Minutes, Item 17) that the majority of Councillors are following the climate change, sea level rise and ground water rise lunacy propounded by the Mayor – without a skerrick of scientific evidence for the local condition.

    While central government and political parties continue their morbid fascination with nonscientific claims riding on ignorant hobby horses, we’re stuck with further devaluation of perfectly habitable residential coastal property at Dunedin, while Council ignores the obvious work needing done on supportive and efficient infrastructure systems and mitigations (plural) to manage and stall coastal erosion.

    Blind leading the blind. Just like Douglas Field’s characterising little dance ploy (video animation).

    People in power (without brains) are so tragic.

  2. Calvin Oaten

    People in power (without brains) are so tragic. Especially when they are captivated by the unproven pseudo science of the Climate Change ideology. That’s when it gets frightening not to mention financially drastic.

  3. Elizabeth

    Fruitcake-nanny-losers like the PCE….

    ### msn.com 5 hrs ago
    Source: Radio New Zealand
    Rising sea levels could result in negative equity
    By Kate Gudsell, Environment Reporter
    The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment is urging the government and the private sector to figure out how to avoid home owners’ equity plummeting due to climate change. [what climate change that hasn’t been happening for millions of years? why the sudden GLOBAL CORPORATE PANIC, ka-ching!@!@!]

    The commissioner, Dr Jan Wright, believes the country is facing about 30cm of sea level rise over the next few decades.

    On top of that, storm surges are likely, making buildings that lie within 50cm of high tide vulnerable. There are 13,000 buildings in New Zealand that fit that criteria, including 8800 homes. The replacement cost of all of the buildings is estimated to be $3 billion, and that doesn’t include the cost for infrastructure, such as roads. The enormity of the issue needed to be thought about in monetary terms, as well as the impact it would have on the environment, she said. A working group consisting of local and central government and the private sector, such as insurance and banking, was needed, she said [as they screw people out of their private equity]. Central government needed to sort out its guidance and direction on the matter down to local level, she said. […] The [Insurance Council] was keen to be involved in a working group and the insurance industry had been one of the first sectors to focus on the risks of climate change, he said.

    [A ray of cool-headed sunshine, thanks Bill English !!]

    But Finance Minister Bill English said to set up a specific group the government would need to be confident that there were significant future costs from climate change. “There’s any number of pressures now or over the next few years on government spending and we don’t set up working groups to deal with all of them but happy to look at whatever the commissioner’s got to say about it. We can always speculate on future costs of almost anything.”

    However, Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett does not think the problem is so speculative. She believed Dr Wright had a point.

    █ Go direct to RNZ News for the full article – which is actually RNZ OPINION, not News.

    Expandable map via RNZ

    • Don’t lose your fruitcake nannies. Oh, it’s superannuated Dee Jay here. The word ‘loser’ is a ‘dis’ word. The opposite is ‘winner’. This is nothing more than nomenclatural dualism! Winners are tedious, especially the men.

      It is delightful, after all these yeas, to hear that wonderful number “Busy Doin’ Nothing”, from ‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court’.

      • Elizabeth

        Dee Jay, Mr Field has wonderful musical appreciation and grows cabbages (an inspiration!) as a sideline to his fulltime work as an illustrator animator for What if? Dunedin.

      • Kleinefeldmaus

        In case you were getting a little sentimental
        In the verse I included the vocalists were: –
        I have to watch the river
        To see that it doesn’t stop
        And stick around the rosebuds
        So they’ll know when to pop
        BING CROSBY:
        Better keep the crickets cheerful
        They’re really a solemn bunch
        Hustle, bustle
        And only an hour for lunch

  4. Hype O'Thermia

    Bill English keeps on being strangely sensible. Perhaps he has natural immunity.

  5. Elizabeth

    He’s probably the only reason to keep National in government.

  6. Rob Hamlin

    As I have said before, Christchurch has taught the pinstripes that disasters are an excellent way of transferring wealth for the 99% to the 1%. So if one is not provided regularly by the Almighty, then one must be engineered. .

  7. Calvin Oaten

    I see in the latest FYI Dunedin that, ‘Dunedin has signalled its commitment to tackling climate change by joining the “Compact of Mayors”. Does this mean the Mayors will be compacted and consigned to landfill? If so, then the problem (if it exists) will be largely solved. No, it’s all to do with reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs).
    So off we go with another tiny bureaucracy destined to blossom as it makes a sorty into the realms of fantasy, such as ‘sea level rise’ was the main cause of the June 2015 floods. It is expected to take about a year to build this picture then they will set the reduction targets in GHGs and develop ways to measure the progress. In three years they will have an action plan detailing how Dunedin will deliver on its commitment to reduce those ‘pesky’ GHGs.They even have an Energy Plan, you read it here, so watch for the aforementioned explosion of talking heads involved in this. Meanwhile I’ll wait for the Port Otago hundred plus year’s records of tidal levels to signal that in fact a rise is happening. It may, or may not be, before the “Second Coming”.

  8. Kleinefeldmaus

    You say:
    “So off we go with another tiny bureaucracy destined to blossom as it makes a sorty into the realms of fantasy, such as ‘sea level rise’ was the main cause of the June 2015 floods.”
    But I know that you know this line –
    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
    – Henry Louis Mencken

    The problem with Cull is that he doesn’t have the firepower to scare anyone – not even this Kleinefeldmaus.

  9. Lindsay Gordon

    What is the mud tank work that has been going on in South Dunedin? Little green lines have been appearing on mud tank grates over the last couple of weeks.

    • Elizabeth

      Lindsay, not sure what the green markings mean. This must have something to do with City Care, the contractor tasked with clearing all mudtanks in South Dunedin – typically sprayed markings on infrastructure assets mean more work is pending by contractors… or there is a control study. I suggest you ring DCC on 03 4774000 to enquire – ask to speak with Ian McCabe or Ruth Stokes for explanation.

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