Tag Archives: Draft Long Term Plan

DCC Draft Long Term Plan 2012/13 -2021/22 and Annual Plan 2012/13

The draft plan was signed off on Wednesday not long before midnight, following the drama of the bail-out debate.

### ODT Online Sat, 17 Mar 2012
Ratepayers get chance to have say
By David Loughrey
With debate across Dunedin at fever pitch on rugby meltdowns, debt, the stadium and rates, the public will soon be able to join the cacophony, as the Dunedin City Council’s annual plan consultation begins. The recent blaze of publicity the council has faced with the Otago Rugby Football Union bail-out is bound to boost the number of irate ratepayers itching to tell the council just what they think. The consultation period starts today.

The summaries, along with the council’s latest City Talk magazine, would arrive in mailboxes across the city soon, communications co-ordinator Rodney Bryant said. The documents were also expected to be available on the council website from today.
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Dunedin City Council information:
Draft Long Term Plan 2012/13 -2021/22 and Annual Plan 2012/13

The Draft Long Term Plan 2012/13 -2021/22 sets out the Council’s financial strategy of the next ten years and contains information on the changes the Council plans to make to achieve this strategy, the projects that the Council intends to complete and financial information including draft budgets, funding sources and changes to rates. The Draft Long term Plan 2012/13 -2021/22 also contains the annual plan for the 2012/13 year with information on fees and charges and council grants that are planned for the 2012/13 year.

The consultation period is your opportunity to “Have Your Say” about what you want to see included in the Council’s plans. This year the submission form includes a questionnaire about the choices the Council has made to reduce overall rates increases. Have we made the right choices?

Submissions close at 5pm, 17 April 2012.
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Draft Long Term Plan Documents
This year The Draft Annual Plan related documents are made available in several file formats including PDF, HTML, E-book and Screen Reader.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under DCC, Economics, Politics, Project management, Sport, Stadiums

Wednesday: Meetings of Council and FSD Committee, read DEBT

UPDATED 16.3.12

The week when everything blows. Tens and tens of millions of dollars lost like so many fluttering autumn leaves. Councillors, the worst of times. You are liable for wrath and accountable for so much more.

Comment received.

Submitted on 2012/03/14 at 12:19 am

Tomorrow (Wednesday) there are meetings of Council and the FSD. The Council meeting is the one that was postponed from Friday because the draft long term plan failed its audit. It is still not good enough and should not be approved.

The meeting starts off with a secret session to decide how generous the ratepayers will be towards the ORFU. The terms “bail-out” and “blood-sucking leeches” definitely won’t be mentioned in the press release.

The new draft long term plan tells us that there is a report to be presented to a committee about the governance arrangements of DVL and DVML (see LTP page 5).

It turns out that negotiations to sign the stadium “venue hire agreements with major event owners” have failed, but we are told the LTP is written as if the agreements are signed.

The Private Sector Funding is now called (p5) Private Sector Debt. It isn’t “private” but it is “debt”, so that’s an improvement. Thanks to Audit NZ for that.

How they voted
After eight hours of deliberation and with no changes to the ORFU bail-out package put before them, Dunedin City councillors voted in this way:

Aye: Cull, Bezett, Collins, Hudson, Staynes, Thomson, Brown, Noone (8)

No: Butcher, MacTavish, Stevenson, Vandervis, Wilson (5)

Apologies: Acklin, Weatherall (both say they would have supported the package)

(via ODT Online 16.3.12)

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr


Filed under Business, DCC, DVML, Economics, ORFU, Politics, Project management, Sport, Stadiums

DCC: Nontrading Council-controlled organisations – exemption

An exemption is sought under section 7(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 for nontrading Council-controlled organisations from the requirement to fulfil reporting and other requirements imposed by the Local Government Act 2002.

It is recommended that the Council grant an exemption under section 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 to each of the companies named below, whilst they are not being used for any trading.
• Tourism Dunedin Limited
• Dunedin Events Limited
• Dunedin Visitor Centre Limited

UPDATED: DCC has announced today’s council meeting on the LTP has been postponed. See media release.

Council meeting – Friday 9 March 2012, at 1.00 PM
Council Chamber, Municipal Chambers

Agenda – Council – 09/03/2012 (PDF, 25.2 KB)

Report – Council – 09/03/2012 (PDF, 170.0 KB)
Statement of Proposal for Draft Long Term Plan 2012/13 – 2021/22, Incorporating the Draft Annual Plan 2012/13

Report – Council – 09/03/2012 (PDF, 4.5 MB)
Statement of Proposal for Draft Long Term Plan 2012/13 – 2021/22, Incorporating the Draft Annual Plan 2012/13 – Attachment

Report – Council – 09/03/2012
(PDF, 73.9 KB)
Non-Trading Council-Controlled Organisations – Application for Exemption.
This will need to be added to the agenda under “Confirmation of Agenda”.

Posted by Elizabeth Kerr

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Filed under Business, DCC, Economics, Politics, Project management