Tag Archives: Facile revolt

Butler not joining StS rates revolt!

### ODT Online Sat, 21 Feb 2009

At least 40 Dunedin ratepayers have joined a rates revolt to protest against the Dunedin City Council’s financial support for the proposed Otago Stadium.

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So much baloney. How completely bloody facile.
A leader (?????) comfortable to stand back while the ‘stadium fighters’ take the brunt. Yeah yeah. Incite a ‘revolt’ (very small scale though it is) and stoop to play goodie two shoes…

People in the revolt (sigh) should take a hard look at the means Dunedin City Council has to recover the money – and make those payments in full, soon as. Avoid trouble – for yourselves.

Don’t be sheep for StS. Be wary of the impending public meeting.


Filed under Economics, Geography, Hot air, Media, Name, Other, Politics, Stadiums, STS